Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

this week has been a good one for me! we went to prayer on tuesday night! and it was amazing! i had a lot happen to me that night and i believe that God is doin' a lot in my life right now and i am learnin' how to just back off and let him take care of it! layne's message on wednesday was really good.. and i think a lot of people needed to hear that and it was at the right time and everything!
on monday night i dropped a hammer on my arm and bruised a muscle! that didnt feel good at all! we have gotten our bathroom pertty much done! thank goodness! tasha is graduating on sunday! its weird to think that she is gunna be goin' to college! it seems like those years went by soo fast! and nic is off to college next year too! thats gunna be weird too! but im still stuck in high school! ugghh.. i cant wait to be out! everyone is like oh it will go by fast enough.. but i dont think they get it! i want out now! i wanna get my life started!
i have decided that im gunna be a farmer and a photographer! im soo excited!

well i have to get ready for work
lisa =

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


last friday i had to take a drug test for scheels! i passed.. of course! and i got a job there! i had orientation on monday and i had my first night last night! it was fun! my trainer was cool! he made it really easy! im soo excited to work there! i have wanted to get a job there for a very long time!
we are redoing our bathroom and my parents tore the sheet rock stuff off the walls last night and there is litterally NOTHING in our walls! like no insulation or anything! well there was a joker card.. and an old security card that was really big.. it was soo old and smelly! but that is why it is always cold in our house! we have to keep our heater at 74 in the winter! people think its crazy but it is really cold in here!
well i think im done!
lisa = ]]

Thursday, April 10, 2008

you will be missed!

Tonight is my cousin,Jason Pruitt's visitation! when i found out he past all i could think about is how you think you have all the time in the world but then it can be gone in a split second! and you dont always have a second chance to tell someone you love them or let them know about Jesus! This is gunna be one of the hardest funerals i've been to because i dont think he knew Jesus and i know where he is right now if he didnt and that makes me break down! He died the way he wanted to.. in his race car! but i have to go!


Friday, March 07, 2008


so yesterday was my sixteenth birthday! and i got my license! YAY! = ]] its so awesome being able to drive where ever i want now.. well kinda! i cant drive my truck to des moines yet! but after my party on saterday my dad is letting me drive his jeep around to like jordan creek and stuff!

ATF was awesome! i really changed during this one! before it i wasnt feeling the greatest but God really helped me! worship was amazing! and the drama opened my eyes to a lot! i cant explain it but it changed me soo much! and after one of the sessions i was thinking the whole time about who i have walked by or talked to and they dont know God and what their eternal life is gunna be like [[if they dont change]] and how big of a mistake i made not showing them His love! i felt soo guilty i broke down!

lisa = \

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

two weeks!

so since i wrote last i have started homeschooling and it is going great! even tho i feel like i dont know near as much about the outside world as i used to! its not as easy as i thought it would be.. but its cool! And i really miss driving.. A LOT!
i took the test larry gave us and i had two feilds that tied! i got helping and faith! and i can see that i have both of those! and i got a two on teaching and that was right on! lol
my birthday is in two weeks and it my sixteenth so i get to get my license and drive myself where i want to go! thats exciting to me 'cause i get to have more independence.. i LOVE that!
this weekend is ATF! thats exciting too! i cant wait.. its gunna be great! im excited for nevertheless.. and micheal gungor is good not really sure about fireflight tho.. i guess we'll see!
well i guess thats all i have for now!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

winter wounderland..

wow.. so today we didnt have school 'cause of the snow/ice storm! but i went out to start my truck to get the ice off of it and so the battery wouldnt die! but i went out there and my door handles are the ones with the push in buttons and they were covered in ice so i couldnt get in! so me and my mom were hitting them with her ice scraper and i finally got in and i started it and then we wiped the snow off the winshield and there is like half an inch of ice on the windows and everywhere! so now instead of a truck i have an ice cube! but im gunna go try to get more off so.. later!
lisa-ann : ]]

Thursday, November 29, 2007


hey! well i havent been on here in a LONGG time! so im bored so i thought id write on here! well last weekend was black friday adn my mom took me leah and my cousin heather shoppin' at midnight! It was soooo cold out there! leah bought my an energy drink so we were really hyper! it was fun! there were so many people there! it was crazy! well anyways nothin' really excitein' has been happenin'... just school and work... BLAH! all that stuff is BORIN'! the only thing i like 'bout goin' to school is drivin'! im tryin' to think what else has happened since last time i wrote.. well i got glasses and ive dyed my hair brown and blonde! well got to go
LiSa AnN