Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2007


hey! well i havent been on here in a LONGG time! so im bored so i thought id write on here! well last weekend was black friday adn my mom took me leah and my cousin heather shoppin' at midnight! It was soooo cold out there! leah bought my an energy drink so we were really hyper! it was fun! there were so many people there! it was crazy! well anyways nothin' really excitein' has been happenin'... just school and work... BLAH! all that stuff is BORIN'! the only thing i like 'bout goin' to school is drivin'! im tryin' to think what else has happened since last time i wrote.. well i got glasses and ive dyed my hair brown and blonde! well got to go
LiSa AnN


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