Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

its over!!!

hey hey hey!!! so on monday i went to the hospital to see my g'ma and she got to move to the new part of the building and it was really nice in there!!! and when we were lookin' for her room i looked in a room that wasnt hers but we didnt no it and i think i saw kathy(mariah's mom) in the room!!! then wen we walked in my g'mas room she was gettin' her epideral out of her back!!! then we visited with her for 2 hours but then i layed down on the extra couch/ bed thing 'cause i was sooo cold!!! my g'ma was sweatin' and she told my g'pa to keep turnin' the temp. down!!! and thats why they have differnt bed rooms!!! then my other g'ma & g'pa came to visit and then we left!!! then on Tuesday i had to start school!!! i dont think it was as bad as i thought it was gunna be!!! a lot of the teachers are nice and cool!!! but wen i walked in the science room i was like OMG!!! it STINKS sooo bad in there!!! and the science teacher has to wear a micaphone 'cause i guess his vocal cords are messed up!!! and we got a new spanish teacher 'cause the sophomores now made the old one leave 'cause they were mean to her and that kinda stuff!!! but she was mean and you couldnt understand her!!! but our new one is like a twig and shes really quiet and young!!! and in perdy much all of my classes i have to sit in the back and wen i try to read the board i have to like squint and it makes me really dizzy and it doesnt feel good!!! but i didnt have as much trouble findin' classes like i thought i would!!! and on the first day they made hotdogs, green beans and a cookie so the only thing i had for lunch was a cookie!!! but yeah!!!
but i think thats all i have to say so ill talk to 'yall later!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~
OOO yeah we have comfy new desks and chairs and cool bleachers!!! i like the new school but it takes FOREVER to get from the commins and the doors to our lockers and our lockers have built in locks so everybody is tryin' to find ways to keep the lockers from closin' all the way so its easier to get our stuff out!!!


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