Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Sunday, August 27, 2006 gettin' worse!!!

hey hey hey!!! so on Tuesday i stayed at leah' again and then on Wednesday i stayed again and before we went back to her house after church we stopped at her g'ma's and got the Titanic!!! and then we watched hailey' dance thing and then we watched the Titanic 'causei had never seen it before and leah said i had to watch!!! and i was 'bout ready to fall asleep in the middle of the first tape but then something happened and i woke up 'cause it caught my attention!!! and when it was over i thought it was perdy good... but long!!! i was surprised i sat for that long, but i kept havin' to move around 'cause i cant sit in on spot for that long!!! then on thursday i came home and then on Friday i had to go to my dad's!!! and he had a tooth ache on friday and then on Saterday when he woke up he had gotten the flu or somethin'!!! so i asked if my cousin could stay and i asked if i could drive and he said i could when he was done at the store!!! so we went and got his meds and i got to drive for the dollar store parkin' lot to redfeild and i went threw my first stop light and i had to turn left and there were cars comin' from the other way and there were cars sittin' on the street were i was turnin' and i didnt hit them!!! that might not seem big to u but i dont get to drive that much and i dont get to drive on paved streets that much!!! then today i watched Kinzie durin' the service and i went into the part of the nersery were the cubbards are and i hit my head on the cubbards and i hit it hard 'cause ashleigh heard it in th eother room and i got a bump on my head!!! then i hit my arm on the corner of the car door!!! and then when i got home i left the big door open and locked the screen door adn then i went to check the mail and i forgot i locked the door and i pushed the handle and tried to walk outside and i ran into the door perdy hard 'cause i thought it was stuck but then i was like duh its locked!!! then i walked onto our back porch and i turned to come back into the kitchen and i walked right into the slidin' door thing we have in between the kitchen and laundry room!!! then i ran into the door to our camper!!! WOW i think im gettin' worse!!!

and on Wednesday my g'ma had surgery on a stomach anurism(i dont no how to spell it) and after she got out of the first surgery they found out that she was bleedin' internally and so they had to take her into surgery again and she didnt no she was goin' in again and then yesterday she finally got off the ventalator but she can hardy talk now so they had to do x~rays and those kinda things to see if her vocal cords adn stuff were damaged adn i dont no if they were or not!!! but i was in angies car when my dad told me and i was like oh my gosh my g'ma might die!!! i was scurred!!! but shes doin' better and when she gets out shell go back to doin' wat she always does!!! like goin' to the casino and shoppin' every day!!!
this week end my dad and uncle had a fishin' turnament in fort dodge and they took my dog with them and i was scurred 'cause shes always there to bark at anyone that was in our yard so i had to keep checkin' to see if anyone was here!!! and on they're way up there my dads truck died so my uncle pulled over to help and then his truck died and so they had to swap batteries to get to the camp site and then my mom tried to start the truck and it wouldnt start so 5 min. later my uncle tried to start it and the batterie blew up litterally and the top of it was clear across the parkin' lot!!! and rite wen that happened my dad was walkin' towards the front of the truck wen it did that so he almost got burnt bad!!! and now there is batterie acid all over the truck!!! and then they didnt catch any thing they could've weighed in!!!
so i think thats all i have to say for now!!! talk to 'yall later!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~


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