Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Friday, August 04, 2006

a long time ago!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Its been a while since ive posted so i guess i'll post now!!! Well on Sunday it was my cousin's b-day so we had to go to their house and give her her present and then my g-ma retired from Wells Fargo so we had a surprise party for her!!! Thats why we missed church!!! My aunt Laura got a pinuata(i dont no if you got the spellin' but its the thing you hang and hit at) adn she made all of us take a hit at it and wen it was my turn she spunn me and were the thing was it was on a hill adn i told her that i was prolly gunna fall but she sed no your not so i went and wen i hit it i alomost fell down the hill!!! Then after the party us and my g'ma and g'pa went to Red Robin by Jordan Creek!!! I was lookin' at the menu adn i was like is there nething with out beef adn then i saw on the menu they had a 'burgerless burgers' part and so i got a Turkey burger!!! I love turkey burgers... wenever my parents have hambugers i have a turkeyburger!!! Well then i went to Tasha's adn stayed there from Sunday to Wednesday adn now she's comin' over tonight!!! And on Tuesday night at like 11:30 Lexi(tashas dog) started havin' puppies!!! And she finished havin' them Wednesday mornin'!!! And i got to see the last one bein' born!!! It was cool!!! Then on Wednesday after church i had to start cleanin' my room and then Thursday i had to clean my room some more adn now it is really clean 'cause i got shelves across the top of my celin' now and my parents just went to get some more so i can get all of my frogs into my room 'cause i dont have neroom for all them right now!!!
I was cleanin' off my cork board today and there was a card from a LONG time ago!!! It has a Camel leanin' on a mail box that says 'Kuwait' on it!!! so i opened it and read it and it was from one of my dads ex-girlfriends that went to Kuwait then to Iraq!!! I think my dad was gunna ask her to marry him but she got pregnet while over in Kuwait!!! She was AWESOME!!! She was like a friend not a parent!!! She danced wherever she went so when u herd someone in another room you would always no wat it was(her dancin')!!! And she had 2 kids a son my age, he always was mad, and she had a younger daughter, she was cool she was always happy and she liked to sing all the time!!! The only problem with my dad bein' with her was that she lived in Linden and that was obviously too far for my dad to come and see me, or i guess even call!!! I didnt see him for a WHOLE YEAR!!! Not even at Christmas!!! That made me kinda mad!!! Then one day he decided to call and see if he could take me for the weekend and i didnt no wat to do 'cause he didnt come and see me for a whole year and now he wants to see me and i dont even think i recognized him!!! But then he moved back and then Ann went to Kuwait!!!
Well back on track... this weekend i dont have to work(YESSS)!!! But on Saterday we have races!!! If you read this before then you should come out!!!(they start at 7) They're REALLY FUN!!! Especially if you no someone and they do good!!! I no almost everyone that races out there in less they're new!!! But you should try to make one sometime!!! And then we might go boatin' eather Sterday before the races or Sunday right after church!!! Last time my dad took me and tasha I got mad at my dad 'cause he was not treatin' his boat like he should be!!! Like we went over by a jeti and through the anker on the rocks and he was lettin' the motor hit the bottom and i told him it was hittin' and he was just like 'good 'cause im gunna go swimmin'' that made me mad!!! But i want to try out this lure my g'pa by the airport got me for my b-day, its one that you paint your self and put together by yourself!!! I want to ketch somethin' on it!!!
Well i have to get off of here so i'll talk to 'yall later!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~


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