Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Side mirrors!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Wow i haven't written in hear for a long time!!! Well let me start on Friday... I had to go to my dad's house and he made tacos and so i ate one and i haven't haven't been eatin' a lot of meat lately so it tasted FUNKY!!! Then on Saterday my dad took me to Leah's and when we got to the gravel i asked my dad if i could drive and of corse he said yes!!! And when i got a little down the road i pushed on the gas even more and i took my foot off of the gas pedal and i noticed that it didn't fallow my foot!!! But i didn't tell my dad 'cause i didn't want him to get mad or freak out so i was thinkin' to myself 'ummm i don't think its possa do that' so i kept drivin' and then when i got to the first turn i turned the stearin' wheel and it was like stickin' and it was really hard to turn!!! It scurred me!!! Then Leah and i went to Tasha's and we decided that we were gunna go to a movie!!! We ended up goin' to CARS!!! It was AWESOME!!! Except this ladie that was sittin' directly behind me kept yelling at her kids, not whispering, yelling, then she kept yelling at the screen, then to top it all off she decides to CAUGH ALL over ME!!! EWE!!! She was at the end of my nerves!!! Oh, yeah and she was SHUVING popcorn into her mouth and CHOPING it!!! How annoying!!! Then we went back to tasha's house and watched movies and i was 'bout to fall asleep but they(leah and tasha) wouldn't let me!!! But then when we went to bed my eyes wouldn't shut so i wouldn't let them sleep either!!! Then i had a laughin' attack and couln't stop laughin'!!! It was funny!!! Then on Sunday we went to get up and it was really hard!!! Then i went to wash my hair and when i walked into the bathroom and there was a cat in the sink!!! Then when i was done i put my hands on the side of the tub, bad idea, and it was wet!!! So i slipped and my head fell into the tub!!! ouch!!! Then we went to my g'pa Oscar's for a lunch thing!!! Then i stayed at my aunt and uncles house in Redfeild 'til tuesday!!! And on Monday i went to my cousin's soft ball game wit my other aunt!!! It was HOT!!! Then on Wednesday me and my mom had to go to Jodan Creek so i could get some shoes(NOT FOR ME)!!! Then Today we had to drop of my film at walgreens and go to Costco!!! I got SOOO much gum!!! Then we picked up my film adn i think i got some good pictures!!! I think that someone that's really good at takin' pictures would say that theres somethings that could be better but for my first time usin' a camera like that and takin' pictures like i did i think they're pretty good!!! But my dad said that it was a waste of film but he doesn't no anything!!!j/k!!!
Well i think that's all i have to say so ill right later!!! see'yall!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love to hear all about what's going on in your crazy world! :) Love ya!

8:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wish i had time to right all of the details 'cause i bet u'd think me and the people i hang out wit are even more nuts then u think already!!!and oh yeah...dido!!!

9:29 PM  

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