Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I can't find it anywhere!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Lately i've been goin' up to my G'pas to work on somethin' but i've been playin' with his camera instead!!! He has a 35mm camera with like 4 differnt lenses and a bunch of special effect things you can put on the lenses!!! I've taken some pictures in their back yard!!! But the problem is that the pictures im takein' would look a lot better in black and white!!! So we looked at some stores today for some black and white film... but NOBODY had any!!! So if you know where i can find some can you leave me a comment or something??? please!!!
Thats all!!! see 'yall!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~


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