Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Whats goin' on???

Hey hey hey!!! Well im on summer vacation and your 'possed to be able to sleep past 6:15, but i haven't been able to do that so far!!! Well this mornin' i woke up to my mom cryin'!!! I was like what the heck is goin' on??? I jumped outa bed(like literally 'cause i hit the wall) and asked my mom what was goin' on and she said that she hit a laidy with her car!!! At first i thought she meant that the laidie was walkin' when she hit her, but then she said that she hit teh laidies car!!! So we went out and looked at our NEW car and she showed us the scratch and now we have a blue scatch along the back bumper!!! Then she told us what happened and she saud that she was at the stop lights gettin' ready to turn towards Kum-n-Go and then this semi was turnin' also and he didn't have his turn signal on so she had to back up and the laidie didn't back up so my mom could!!! This laidie was drivin' a saturn and my mom was drivin' our Impala and i think she kinda went over the laidies car 'cause its like on the bottom half of the bumper!!! Then she said that the laidie went to the hostpital 'cause she thought she jerked her back or somethin'!!! But i think everyones fine!!! That was scurry to wake up to my mom cryin' though!!!
Oh, my gosh Adel is SO BORING!!! There is like nothin' to do in this town!!! I like redfeild 'cause i know a lot more people there and i think its funner there!!! Well maybe i think its funner there 'cause im related to a lot of people there!!!
Well thats all thats happened so far today!!! So ill ttyl!!! SEEYA!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~


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