Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Hey hey hey!!! Oh, my gosh surviver is Awesome!!! Tonight wasn't so awesome 'cause Terry wasn't winning and he is the guy i am going for!!! Aras was won the reward and ammunity challenges!!! Those were the only ones that Terry has lost since they merged!!! That wasn't cool!!! In the reward challenge Aras was like talking 'bout how Terry was "whining" 'bout how he didn't know that you can make more than one look at the things and then Aras said something like "Oh you better get an ambulence Terry's crying on the feild"!!! Then i guess Aras also said something 'bout Terry talking bad 'bout women!!! That was stupid!!!'Cause he has never said anything bad to any women on this game!!! Well it was a "to be continued" show and that was really stupid!!! 'Cause Danielle and Sari were in the middle of a tie breaker competition!!! Which they shouldn't have been in that competition 'cause Terry and Danielle like made a pact and Terry had the hidden ammunity and tonight was the last time he could've used it so i don't know why he didn't give it to her!!! Well that's what happened on surviver tonight!!! Well the finally is on Sunday at 7:00 so i can't wait 'till then to see who wins!!!
Oh, my gosh i don't think i hurt myself again today!!! I'm on a roll!!! Well i guess yesturday after church i tripped over a chair leg and twisted my ankle but it feels better!!! Well i guess i'm not getting hurt 'cause i've been having to lye in bed on and ice pack 'cause of my back so i'm not doing anything stupid to where i can get hurt!!!
Well i think that's all i have for tonight i will right back later to tell 'bout my weekend!!! Seeya!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~


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