Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

My big fat greek family!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Well tonight we went out to eat at the "olimpic Flame" to eat with my family 'cause my cousin and aunt are in town from Florida!!! We ate at a Greek restaurant 'cause my cousin's dad is from Greese!!! On our way there i was sitting in the back seat of the car and i saw a bug on the window so i tried to get it out and i thought i got it but then when we got to the resturant i felt something crawling on my hand so i looked down and the bug was on my hand!!! I tried to get it off and when i went to hit it it stung me!!! It hert!!! Well anyways the Greek food was good, and yes i did eat!!! My aunt Lynn bought everybody Greek appitizers before we ordered our food!!! We had like 4 differnt kinds of stuff!!! I don't know what any of it was called though!!! We had like fried cheese, fito bread with feta cheese in it, stuffed grape leaves those were like grape leaves with beef and rice in side, i didn't like those so my g'ma and dad ate mine for me!!! When they brought out the fried cheese it wasn't fried yet adn they held it up and the guy caught it on fire!!! The people behind me had it too and i wasn't expecting the fire and all of a sudden i felt the heat ball come at me!!! On our flame it hit the fan on the ceiling and made it move!!! It was AWESOME!!! Then we had our dinner, i got a chicken gyros!!! It was a Greek sandwich!!! It was really really good!!! Almost everybody had a gyros, but some had a beef one!!! My g'pa was being stubburn and wouldn't try any of the Greek food, he had a cheese burger and fries!!! Then when we left my mom got us Bauclava!!! My mom has made that before and it is like the best desert every!!! When my cousin got there she was greeted by all the worker people 'cause she was friends with them through her dad!!! They were talking in Greek and i was like "what"!!! Well my cousin goes back to Florida Friday night and my aunt is also going back to Indiana Friday night!!! That's were she lives!!! Oh,my gosh i was sitting by my othter aunt Penny and her "boyfriend" and i was like i know him from somewhere and then when he went to the bathroom i turned to my dad and said "you know what he looks like Shawn Micheals"!!! And my dad agreed!!! It was weird 'cause he even had the hair like Shawn!!!
Oh,my gosh My dad said told me when i got home from youth on Sunday that i prolly buldged a disk in my back!!! It herts like no other!!!
Well i think thats all i have to say right now so talk to yall later!!! seeya!!!
~!~smile 8) ~!~


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