Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Little Rascals!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Well i thought of something else to right 'bout!!! The Little Rascals movie!!! Oh, my gosh i LOVE that movie!!! Except that whenever i see it the little saying things get stuck in my head!!! Like... the "we got a dollar" thing, the "i got two pickles" thing, and the saying when their going to the fair place and they have to make money for their go-kart and their saying..."we are he-man woman haters, we feed girls to aligators, we're low, but we have a plan to make some doe!!!" I couldn't hear the part where they said something 'bout "low" so i think that's what they said but i don't know!!! Have you ever watched a movie one day and then the next day be saying somethin' and not know where it came from??? That's what happened to me!!! But i guess if you had more memory then me you probably wouldn't have that problem!!! Well i guess that's not hard to do (the having more memory then me)!!!
Oh, my gosh i finally got my iPod back yesterday!!! I almost went nuts without it!!! Like i usually take it to school with me so i can listen to it at recess but the begining of this week i didn't have it!!! I never knew how much i listened to it before this week!!!
Well now i know that's all i have for today!!!
Put a smile on your face and be HAPPY!!! Even if you are upset!!! Smiles make you feel better!!! Trust me!!!
Seeya!!! ~!~smile 8P ~!~


Blogger .... said...

Smiles don't make me happy!!! i hate smileing!!!

8:53 PM  
Blogger ~!~ lisa ~!~ said...

well i don't like that word!!! so we're even!!!

7:21 AM  
Blogger .... said...

What? no were not.

4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smiling is the best thing to do!!! anyone who doesn't like to smile is CRAZY!!! When you smile and someone else sees you smile then they smile and then when they smile someone else sees them smile then it just keeps going and going!!! When someone smiles it could make someones day! I know it has made mine before!!!

10:21 AM  
Blogger ~!~ lisa ~!~ said...

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11:37 AM  
Blogger ~!~ lisa ~!~ said...

Who is ~*~littlebit~*~???

12:51 PM  
Blogger ~!~ lisa ~!~ said...


7:39 AM  

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