Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The 800!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Well today in PE we had to run the 800(m) and its pretty easy to run but this time wasn't to good!!! We run it down by the adel park at the little league football feild!!! Well we started running and when i was on the firts lap almost to the end and there were people in front of me and when i tried to get around them there was a big hole in the ground and you guessed it... i stepped in it like hurt my ankle so when i got to the end the PE teacher told me not to run the second lap!!! That wasn't cool 'cause i like running it and at the beggining of the year i couldn't run it 'cause of my ankle and last year i could only run one lap 'cause my DR. told me not to run over 400(m) but this year i had a different teacher so he didn't know 'bout that!!! So i could've ran it but i messed up!!! So that's how i hurt myself today!!!
Oh,my gosh have you ever seen the lamisil comercial??? Well if you haven't it's 'bout feet and its yucky!!! Well its like where this thing goes under the toe nail and like makes the nail look groody!!! Well for people who know me they know i don't like feet!!! And now whenever that comercial comes on i have to change the channel!!!
Oh,my gosh on this one show called American Inventer (an Awesome show) a couple of days ago there was this "flashback" thingy and there was this one guy who invented a potty thingy!!! Like you can take it where ever you go adn its like in a bag and when you have to go to the bathroom you unfold it and put it over you like a poncho and you like go in this bag thingy on the inside!!! It was freeky!!! Then the judges asked him if he's tried it out in public and he said he had tried it at a bus stop or something like that and he said that everybody was looking at him like he was insane or something!!! Well i just thought i'd write 'bout that 'cause i thought it was funny!!!
Oh, my gosh have you ever had the hiccups??? I'm sure you have, but have you had them for 9 weeks??? This weekend i will have had them for 9 whole weeks!!! There SO annoying!!! And its all 'cause i was being stupid at my b-day party!!! I sucked like 10-15 balloons of helium plus my mom left the tank were i could get to it so i got some more helium out of that,too!!! My dad kept telling me i was going to get sick... but i did NOT get sick!!! But i did get the hiccups!!! And the ENT DR. can't even tell me how to get rid of them!!! My G'ma made me eat a spoon full of PB so i did but like 5 min. later i was hiccuping again!!! So if you have any thing that gets rid of hiccups leave me a comment!!! PLEASE!!! I want to get rid of them!!!
Well i think that's all i have for right now so seeya!!!
~!~ smile 8P ~!~


Blogger Mrs Edgey said...

Regarding hiccups: The only thing that worked for me was drinking water upside down. I mean... totally upside down, like on my head. There was a time when I could do those things. Hey, you know, Kim Possible can do anything. Yea! Booyah! Anyway, being you are so accident prone, I wouldn't want you to drown yourself or anything, but it is up to you. : ) Good luck.

12:47 AM  
Blogger ~!~ lisa ~!~ said...

thanx!!! i can try that and if you come to church and see me in a neck brace you'll no what happened!!!

7:31 AM  
Blogger .... said...

You know Alex says (most people say this) that if you suck to much hellium then you will looses brain sells, so my question to you is how many ballons have suck on?LOL.
And Brenny loves that show, "American Inventer" i think its kinda cool. But that was a gross thing (i saw that one).
Watch thief!!!
Watch thief!!!
Watch thief!!!

2:18 PM  
Blogger ~!~ lisa ~!~ said...

way too many!!! i can't count that high!!!what is theif??? what time and channel is it on???

3:55 PM  
Blogger ~!~ lisa ~!~ said...

Oh, my gosh i thought you were talking 'bout a show!!! i just got that!!! so forget that last comment!!! it was on the floor i was going to give it back to you!!! i had no intension of keeping it!!! i said sorry!!!

6:30 PM  

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