Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Monday, May 08, 2006

"Watch out for the sholder!!!"

Hey hey hey!!! Well this weekend was kinda boring,but it was also kinda fun at the same time!!! My cousin, Nic, stayed the night at my dad's on Saturday, then Sunday we went to church, then after church my dad had to go look at the Triton houses to put a bid on them so they can paint them, then we had to take Nic home and i got to drive to Redfeild!!! When we were like just a mile outside of Adel i was checking the mirrors to see if i was in the middle of the lane and when i looked in the right side mirror the car started to go off the road and i heard the gravel and my dad was like freaking out!!! It scurred me!!! And when we got to Derek and Amber's house i had to pull into the driveway (i don't know how to turn that good) and their driveway is like really steep and they have like 3 cars in it already and there's a chunk of cement at the top and i had to get over it!!! That was hard!!! And when my dad pulle dover to let me drive, he pulled into the bolling alley parking lot and i had to turn out of it!!! That scurred me 'cause i couldn't get the car turned far enough!!!
Well this weekend i think i only hurt myself once!!! And that was last night at youth!!! Me and Leah were outside in the feild doing (trying) cartwheels and then we went over to the hill and we were rolling down the hill backwards, like backwards summer-sults, and the last one i did i went to the top and i started rolling down and i rolled like 2 times without anything going wrong but then on the 3rd roll my neck was cracking and i tried to stop myself but i rolled like 2 more times and my neck kept cracking when i rolled and i like layed at the bottom of the hill for a minute, while Leah was laughing, adn when i got up my back and my neck hurt really bad!!! Then i came home and my dad just told me to lay on an ice-pack!!! It was REALLY cold!!! The coldness kinda felt like it was burning me!!! But it feels better today, but it still hurts!!! But i'll be fine!!! I think that i get hurt so much that my body is allways ready to heal itself!!!
Oh, my gosh after today we only have 22 days left of school!!! I'm SO EXCITED!!! Well i don't know if you would count the last day 'cause the eighth graders get to go to Adventure Land, if they're not failing!!! Then the people that failed the sceince final thingy have to go to school the day after everybody else gets out to take the test again!!! Hopefully i don't fail, 'cause its over the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade books!!! I don't think can 'member the things from the 6th and 7th grade books!!! They should know that we can't 'member those kinds of things!!! I don't even know if i can 'member the things from the begining of this year!!!
Well i think that's all i have for right now!!! Seeya!!!
~!~ smile :) ~!~


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