Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Friday, May 05, 2006

They're EVERYwhere!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Oh, my gosh well you probably alread know that i like(love) frogs, but anyways my momkeeps complaining 'bout all of the frog stuff that i have!!! Well i agree i do have a lot of frog stuff ... but i don't think i have enough!!! When you walk into my house you can tell that someone in the house likes frogs 'cause there are some like right by the doorway!!! And then they were all over the couch but my mom put them in my room so now i have even more in my room!!! But like on my bed there is me, a huge stuffed animal frog, and my dog sleeping on my bed at night and it's very scrunched!!! There are some in my dad's den and in the attic, too!!! We didn't have enough room for them!!! And i'm still getting more!!! Frogs rock!!!
Well i was very tired today!!! I was like falling asleep in all of my classes today!!! Well i watched surviver (only the best show ever) and then i had to pack for my dad's!!! Then when i finally got to bed i was lying there listening to music and trying to go to sleep but my brain wouldn't shut up!!! I kept playing what all happened this week over and over in my head!!! Then once i got to sleep i kept waking up like very 20 min.!!! I wanted to take my brain out so i could just sleep!!! Then today in science we had a fire drill... which was pointless!!! Well everybody starts to freak out for nothing and then they just stop at the top of the stairs!!! Then the teachers yell at us for geting cut off of our classes 'cause everybody was trying to hurry to get to their classes!!! Teachers don't like fire drills 'cause it cuts into their teaching time!!!
Oh, my gosh i have even more graduations to go to!!! I have Mariah's, my cousin Joe's, and my mom's friend(tina) who is graduating from dental school!!! That's a lot of graduation parties to go to!!! And i think i've only been to 2 in my whole life!!! So hopefully they're not boring like one of the ones i went to before!!!
I don't think i hurt myself today!!!(knock on wood) I am happy... that i didn't hurt myself today!!!
Well i think that's all i have!!! Seeya!!!
~!~smile :) ~!~


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey yeah you do have TONS of frogs stuff! Frogs rock!!!

10:15 AM  

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