Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I knew it!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Well you know how i said i would be proud of myself if i didn't get hurt in art with the sharp tools... well i knew i wasn't going to get through it without getting hurt!!! Well i was carving today and i wasn't carving right i guess and the tool slid and it hit my finger then i pricked my finger again with it!!! But it didn't go through my skin but there's blood at the top of the skin like a bloodblister thingy and it looks like a arrow 'cause the tools are shaped like a tiangle!!!
Oh, my gosh i only have 12 days left of school including weekends!!!
Oh,my gosh tomorrow i get to drive from my house to Leah's all the way too!!! I'm excited 'cause i usually only get to drive like a couple miles at a time!!! And on gravel!!! I have only got to drive on cement like 2 times and one time there were no turns!!! The secint time i drove on cement i drove from adel to redfield!!! I don't really know how to turn that good!!! And tomorrow i will have to go through 2 4 way stop signs!!! I'm scurrd!!! I am a fraid that im going to run into someone when im turning!!!
Well thats all i have for right now!!! I'll right back after the campout!!! Seeya!!!
~!~smile 8^) ~!~


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will make sure I am not on the roads today.

9:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey whoever this is im a good driver!!!

3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey hey hey!!! i AM a GOOD driver and u no it!!!

6:12 PM  

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