Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Monday, May 15, 2006


Hey hey hey!!! Well today was pretty boring!!! Last night i was watching the finally of Surviver and i was bummed that Terry didn't make it to the final two!!! But i didn't get to see who won 'cause i fell asleep like right when they were getting ready to vote!!! So if anybody watches Surviver can you tell me who won!!!
This morning i woke up and it was bright outside and i thought i was late for school 'cause i didn't turn my alarm on my phone on so i can wake up!!! So i was lying on my back and i turned my head to look at my phone and my shoulder poped!!! Then i tried to sit up and i couldn't move it or else it hurt like no other!!! So i had to like keep my left side still and turn my right side to get out of bed!!! It was hard and it hurt!!! Then when my dad got home from work i had him look at it and he just looked at it for a secint and he's like yeah its swollen!!! And now i have to have an ice pack on my shoulder for the rest of the night!!! It sucks when you have to have an ice pack on your back and your shoulder at the same time!!! Its REALLY cold!!!
Well nothing really happened today!!! I don't like Mondays there like always boring and i don't like boring!!!
I can't wait 'till Sunday 'cause we got our boat fixed and my dad said that we might get to go fishing after church at Beaver!!! I haven't got to go fishing yet this year 'cause i've been busy every time my dad's went!!! And Tasha hasn't been able to fish yet 'cause she hasn't gotten her fishin' licence yet so we're also kinda waiting for her to get her's too!!!
Oh, my gosh this weekend Me and Tasha were sitting at the races and she happened to look at my neck and i have a long scratch on the side of my neck!!! I swear i get cut and hurt by the air in my house!!! 'Cause i've got a cut on my finger and i had nothing sharp that day ('cause im not allowed to have sharp things)!!! It just appeared!!!
Well i think that's all i have for right now!!! So ill right back tomorrow!!! Seeya!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~


Blogger Mrs Edgey said...

I'm so glad they don't let you play with sharp things. :)
And Aras won. Sari won the vehicle.

10:35 AM  
Blogger .... said...

Hay, we might go either Thursday,Saturday (if i'm not to tired from the camp out) or Sunday. At Beaver.
I want a boat so bad!!! So then i could catch crappie better.

12:09 PM  
Blogger ~!~ lisa ~!~ said...

oh, my gosh i wanted danille to win not aras!!! what car did sari win!!!
yeah i was excited to get the boat but i STILL haven't been on it!!!

4:01 PM  

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