Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Trails!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Well tonight we got to go to the races at the dallas county fair grounds!!! I LOVE the races!!! I can't wait 'till i can start racing!!! Well there were A LOT of wrecks tonight!!! And a lot of people driving like preschoolers(NOT GOOD)!!! Well they have a new class this year and my cousin Chad is driving in this one too!!! He has two cars for the races plus he has a race truck!!! Well he raced the front wheel drive one first and there was this one that had the word "taxi" on the side of it and he was pushing Chad 'round!!! Well then Chad got mad and decided to take the "taxi" guys bumper off!!! Then Chad got turned 'round backwards and he backed into the "x" so they would stop the race for him so he could get off 'cause his car died!!! Then when Tim Taylor (our friend we talk 'bout) when he came out he was getting pushed 'round!!! A lot of people don't like him 'cause he got MONEY!!! Well i guess his wife heard there were people wnting to run him off the track!!! This guy named Toney Boger guy he's 'bout a joke!!! Man he is like phsyco on the track like if there is someone he dosen't like he will do anything to make them crash!!! But this time it didn't work 'cause Tim got to far ahead of him for him to catch up!!! So Timm got sickent (2nd) !!! It was AWESOME!!! Chad got back to the campgronds and went to bed!!! He was tired from driving both cars!!!
Oh, my gosh I got like wind burnt when we were in the stands from not having any cover!!! It was SO cold up there we like couldn't feel anything when the races got over!!! And i didn't take a blancket 'cause it wasn't cold in the pits!!! And i like hurt my throat from screaming at the people to get off of people's butts!!!
Well my title is that, at EVERY race at the end they always play "Happy Trails"!!! I like like that song now!!!
Well i think that's all i have for now!!! ttyl!!!seeya!!!
~!~smile 8^) ~!~


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