Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Owe thats HOT!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Well today was kinda boring like yesturday!!! Last night my mom was strightening my hair while i was on the computer!!! Well i was IMing my dad and all of a sudden i felt somethin' hot on my forehead so i jerked my head and it was the straightener on my head!!! My mom was watching me type instead of watching my hair!!! It was HOTT!!! Then this morning i was strightening my hair again and i clamped my ear and my fingers a buncha times!!! And i accedentlly held it in one spot too long and it was on my forehead... in the same spot as last night!!!
Oh,my gosh last week i hit the lunchroom table and now i have a cut on my hand and it looks like a guitar!!! Its awesome!!!
Today i think i only hurt myself once!!! In studyhall i sat in one seat then one of my friends wanted me to sit in the seat next to her so i climbed over the seat and there is a bar on the side that i had to climb over that bar and my knee kinda bent the wrong way!!! It hurt!!! Then last week i tried to climb the same chair and my foot slipped adn i hit my other knee on the chair part!!!
Oh,my gosh in art we are carving in lumina type stuff... it goes under tile stuff like in a kitchen!!! We are using sharp tools to carve out the stuff and the art teacher said that only one person has carved somethin' out of their self and i was going to tell her that i shouldn't use the tools but she would've yelled at!!! But i guess if i carve myself it will be her fault!!! We've been working on it since like thursday and i haven't done that YET!!! If i make it throught this without getting hurt i will be SO proud of myself!!!
Well i think thats all i have for today!!! Seeya!!!
~!~smile 8^) ~!~


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