Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Monday, May 22, 2006


Hey hey hey!!! Well this weekend i went to the campout!!! It was FUN!!! We all set up tents but then only a couple people from Kevin's youth stayed in their's and everybody else slept around the fire!!! Tasha was freiking out 'cause she slept by me and she decided to sleep by the woods and she thought she heard something in there!!! I fell asleep really early!!! Well earlier then a lot of other people!!! And i don't know why either 'cause we had a lot of sugar stick things!!! I don't think sugar makes me hyper!!! And i didn't fall one time!!! I almost fell 'cause people were kicking the back of my knees but i never fell!!! And a couple people fell in the creek but i never did!!! I almost fell on the rock bridge 'cause the rocks moved whenever i stepped on them!!! Then after everybody left and Wedell and us took Brooke home we went shopping for the Cafe` adn me and Leah rolled down the hill at the church again!!! Then we went back to their house and me and Leah fell asleep and when i woke up my knee was like on fire!!! It hurt SO bad adn it was HOT!!!
After we ate supper we came back to their house and me and Leah went down to the camp spot to see if anybody left anything!!! And Leah jumped across the creek and fell when she got across!!! Then we went up to the house and died my hair!!! When i first saw it when after i washed it i was like oh,my gosh!!! And at youth there was people calling me Red adn at like 9:30 my uncle Henry and aunt Laura came over to give us an air conditioner and Uncle Henry called me Red too!!! I thought that was weird 'cause just like an hour and a half ago people from church were calling me that!!!
Oh, my gosh i FINALLY got to go on our boat after church yesturday!!! I was SO excited!!! when we got it out there there was no fish on the fish finder!!! Bummer!!! But then we move by some trees by the dock thingy!!! There were a lot of fish there!!! When we got there we casted out and my dad caught a bass but it was too small and it also ate my dad's hook!!! Then he caught a blue gill and so i was like screw the minnow i'm getting a worm on here then once i casted the worm out my dad caught a nother bass on a minnow i was like thats messed up!!! That bass swallowed his hook too!!! Then we were catching bluegill like crazy!!! At the end we had 16 bluegill, 4 or 5 had my dad's hooks in them and then the 2 bass he threw back had hooks in them too!!! Then i cleaned my first fish!!! It was fun!!! Then my dad cut the things in them and i skinned all of the rest of them!!! It was fun except the one that squirted me!!! And 1 of the fish were pregnent!!! my dad did that on i wouldn't do it!!!
Well i think that's all i have for today!!! seeya!!!
~!~smile 8^) ~!~


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