Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Old people!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Well today was pretty boring, nothing much to say but ill attept to write what did happen!!! So i went to school today and i was doing pretty fine 'til 5th period(reading)!!! We were watching a movie and all of a sudden i was feeling sick!!! I think the old people at the nursing home got me sick!!! I had to leave class and that is really embaressing 'cause everybody just like stares at you like your gunna blow!!! But it wasn't too bad 'cause most of the people were watchin' the movie!!! So then i came home and ate chicken noodle soup adn slept 'til like 4:30!!! But i'm feeling better!!!
Oh, my gosh today we were gunna turn in our math books but then the teacher said that we could keep them!!! Every body said that they were gunna rip them up or burn them!!! We only have like 2 days left of school!!! I'm excited!!! We have tomorrow adn then Tuesday!!! But on Tuesday the eighth graders get to go to Adventure Land!!! The only bad thing 'bout that is that we will get back at the school at 6:30(PM)!!! But then we don't have to go back!!! YESSSSS!!!
Tommorrow we have to go get Tasha from her house then we are goin' to the nursing home in Panora 'cause that's were my aunt Kimmy is!!! It's her B-day tommorrow!!! She Muscular Scuroses and Muscular Distrefie!!! I have no idea if i spelled those rite but i don't spell a lot of stuff ritte so!!! But she is turning 30 or 30somethin'!!! She can't like talk or walk or eat through her mouth she has to eat through a tube in her stummy!!! But she is cool!!! If you call her Kimmysue she will laugh!!! Its funny!!!
Well i think thats all that happened today!!! Pretty boring huh??? But ill rite back later!!! Seeya!!!
~!~smile 8^) ~!~


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