Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Hey hey hey!!! Oh, my gosh im SO excited 'cause i have NO more school!!! We got out yesturday!!! We went to Adventure Land!!! It was a lot of fun!!! Me, Ava, Taylor, and Misti all walked around together!!! We went on pretty much every ride except the raging river('cause we thought the line would be too long) and i didn't go on any of the roller coasters(i dont like those kinda hights)!!! I went on the new ride, the slash over, it was so scurry!!! Like i watched the first time then i went on the secent time and oh, my gosh!!! It like holds you upside down for like ten secents, but thats not the scurry part then it brings you down and you think its over but then it takes you backwards and swings you upside down!!! And you dont know what its going to do next!!! They replaced the mixer with that ride!!! And when i went on it they were having technical difficulties and when the ride stopped some of the seats didnt come unlatched adn the fixer people were there adn we were the first in line adn they were like well lets see wat it does on this next ride and so we went on, i was freakin' out 'cause i don't like hights, and so we went on and it was fun and when we stopped they unlatched the seats and mine was one of the ones that was NOT coming unlatched!!! So i was really scurred after that!!! My legs were shakin' so bad i could barely get off of the ride!!! Every body was laughin' at me!!!
Well now that i don't have school any more i might have to start workin' more!!! I really don't want to work at the nursin' home all week!!! 'Cause it stinks in there!!! So i might ask my dad if Gus is workin' this summer with them, and if she is i might see if i can help her do touch-ups and pullin' the houses!!!
Well i have to go so i will rite l8r!!! seeya!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~


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