Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Hey hey hey!!! Oh,my gosh today was excitinger then any other day so far this summer!!! Well it started off me wakin' my mom up so we could go to Redfeild to give my cousin her birthday card!!! Then we had to be at the nursing home at 11am 'cause it was 50's day there and my mom used to work at Stella's and they wanted her to pour shakes on peoples heads!!! The 2 people she poured shakes on she kinda missed there heads a little!!! It was funny!!! Then we ate lunch there!!! EWEY!!! It was DISGUSTING!!! I had a tenderloin, pie,fries and pie!!! But after i saw the purrade(mushy) food i didn't eat like any of it!!! Then we came home and i layed down for a little bit and i woke up to my g'ma ticklin' me(why do g'mas have a "fedish" of ticklin' people) and a chain saw!!!
My cousin came over to cut down the rest of our tree!!! So i went outside from an airconditioned house and oh,my gosh was it HOT!!! So then my dad got home and they hooked the tree up to the truck and they started pullin'!!! But... it didn't want to come down, prolly 'cause it new i didnt want it to come down!!! But after 'bout an hour it came down!!! When it did we felt the ground shake!!! And after i came down we went to look at what damage it did, it did a good chunk of damage!!! Like when my dad was pullin' the tree his wheels were spinnin'(it was a GMC i wonder why?) but any ways they left big dips in the ground, and then there were big chunks of ground missin' from were the tree hit 'cause the tree like bounced off the ground, it was funny!!! I also got like a story of the tree comin' down in pictures!!! It is kinda funny!!! And in the end it took 3 chains, 2 chain saws, a truck, a water hose(to keep the truck cooled down), and 3 guys!!!
So i think thats all i have to say rite now!!! So ill talk to 'yall later!!! seeya!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~


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