Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Monday, June 05, 2006


Hey hey hey!!! Well i haven't posted since like Friday so i might have a lot to right 'bout, but i don't know!!! Well after i posted on Friday i had to pack to go to my dads house!!! Packin' is not really exciting!!! Then my dad picked me up and we went to des moines!!! We had to get some food!!! And on the bike trail across from Dahls there was an older guys lying on his side on the ground not movin'!!! This laidie was callin' the ambalence to come and get him!!! Then we went home and watched TV!!! Then on Saturday we went to Des Moines again to take my dads other computer back to rent a center!!! WOW, my dad has MAIJOR road rage!!! Then we went to Redfeild 'cause my cousin Nic stayed the night on saterday!!! Then on sunday we had church and i got to workin the nursery!!! We had 3 kids this time!!! The last time i worked in there we only had Anna!!! I held Giffin almost the whole time 'cause he was either mad or tired!!! But then after church we took Nic home and we ended up stayin' there for a while!!! Micha, their g'ma and g'pa were there too!!! That was the first time they saw my hair and when i walked onto the front porch thingy they were shalked!!! Then they got a big water slide thingy and all the kids were goin' down it!!! It was funny watchin' the babies go on it!!! Then we had youth!!!
When i got to the church i walked in the doors and Layne, Conner, and Cahlen were standin' at the doors with their shoes/thangs off!!! EWWWE!!! Feet are disgustin'!!! Then Layne talked for a while a then we went out and played volleyball!!! At first the team i was on was Brooke, Shane, the new Sara, and me!!! Against Layne, Alex, Cahlen, Breni, and Conner!!! But then before we started Conner came over to our side!!! We asked what he was doin' and they said that he was on our side 'cause they had me!!! So then Conner was on our team!!! We played 3 games the other team won the 1st game but then our team won the last 2 games!!! so we got best outta 3!!! And i was on that team!!! I was happy!!! It was fun!!!
Oh, my gosh today we(my mom and me) went to Des Moines to pay bills and we were by DQ at the stop lights and this laidie rearended this older guy!!! And oh, my gosh my mom is so parinoid that she is goin' to get in another accident!!! Like at ever stop light we went through the people in ffront of us started to go and then pushed their brakes again and she thought she was goin' to hit them or the people behind us were goin' to rearend us!!! I thought it was kinda funny!!!
And this weekend i have hit my head sooo many times!!! Like on car doors and walls!!! Walls have a tendencie(wow i just used a big word, maybe not big to you but big to me) to jump out at me and hert me!!!
Well i think thats all so seeya!!!
~!~smile 8^) ~!~


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