Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Hearing loss!!!

Hey hey hey!!! I just recently went to the ENT doctor and they had a poster thing on the wall and it was signs to tell if your losin' your hearin'!!! And i found the paper my mom rote the things on!!! Here are the signs...
~ Frequent request for repitition...'what or huh'!!!
~ confussion 'bout the topic of conversation which would lead to inappropriate responses!!!
~ feelin' that you can hear but not understand the conversation~mumbling!!!
~ Leanin' forward to hear or strainin' to hear or turnin' head from side to side to hear!!!
~ Family or friends complain 'bout the increased volume on the TV!!!
~ Noises in the ear or head such as ringin' or crickets, hummin' or buzzin'!!!
~ Difficult tellin' where sound is comin' from!!!
~ Innapropriate volume level of your own voice!!!
~ Loss of desire to attend social gatherings!!!
And when we were in the room i was like 'mom am i really goin' to be deaf???' And she's like you already are!!!' And she started laughin' and the walked in and looked at us like we were freaks!!! It was funny!!!
Thats all i wanted to post!!! see 'yall!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~


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