Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Monday, June 12, 2006


Hey hey hey!!! This weekend we were pretty buisy!!! On Saturday i had to work in the mornin', then we(me and tasha) went to the women's meeting,it was fun, then my dad, me, tasha got our stuff and headed out to Meadow Lake!!! We were listenin' to KJ-52 and my dad kept askin' us if it was christian music adn we told him it was but he didnt believe us, and he kept askin' us if the songs would be considered songs at all 'cause they say the same thing over and over in one of the songs then we had to tell him the words to one of the songs!!! Then me and my dad took the boat to the boat ramp to get it in the water and he backed it in but then i had to back it in more and then when he got it off the trailer i got to pull it up off the ramp and drive it over to the camp site!!! It was fun!!! And i kinda smoked the wheels AGAIN when i pulled it off the ramp!!! Then when i got to the camp site EVERYBODY was lookin' at me like thats scurry!!! And i stopped on the road to the site and got back in and was puttin' it into drive and it went into reverse instead and i started to go backwards!!! Im startin' to get better at turnin' now!!! We caught 'bout 20 good sized blue gill!!! They're a lot bigger then the ones at Bever!!! And i was so excited 'cause i took my first fish off of my hook yesterday!!! And i took one of tashas off of hers too!!! But my dad won't let me touch them with out a towel or my sleeve 'cause hes affraid they will cut me!!! But i guess it is me hes talkin' to!!!
Then on Sunday we had church and i got to help Jessica with the little kids and the crafts!!! And then we went home and i was sittin' on the floor so tasha could do my hair and my leg was numb from my knee down and i stood up and i couldnt feel it so i tried to step forward but my leg didn't move so i went forward and my tooth hit the wall!!! I dont know why my tooth hit but nothin' else did!!! There is a dent in the wall from my tooth!!! It HERT like no other!!! Then at youth we ahd a pickle eatin' contest and it was me tasha moriah and cahlen!!! Layne volenteered me to play so i had no choice!!! And cahlen won!!! He like shoved the whole thing in his mouth!!! Then we went outside and played volleyball and The teams were 'the greek gods'(layne, cahlen, mariah,and alex) vs. moriah, shane,brenny,conner, and me!!! we each won two games!!! And i ACCIDENTLY hit layne with the volleyball two times in a row!!! Then i hit tasha when she was in the slide thing!!! It went through the roof thingy and hit her!!! That was funny!!! And i also hurt my pinky finger!!! So now i have to have it taped to my other finger!!! That makes it kinda harder to type this!!!
Well i think thats all i have to say!!! seeya!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~
Oh, yeah the title, when i walked up to the camp site my uncle Lenerd started callin' me BEET-TOP!!! Too many names!!!


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