Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Flowers galore!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Yesterday didnt do very much durin' the day but then i went to my G'ma's to help her plant flowers in her yard!!! We went to Harvy's to get flowers and we found the first kind my G'ma wanted Then we picked up a tomatoe plant and then we walked around and in the tent things 'bout 3 times!!! Then we were walkin' back to the main building and then my G'pa was like "maybe there in the row marked 'petunias'(or what ever the flowers with the faces are called)" so then we got some of those kinds!!! Then went to the fabric store for part of Tasha's B-day present!!! So then next week we can work on that!!! Then we went back to her house and waited for it to cool down outside and while we were doin' that we were watchin' the food channel(my G'pa and i watch that channel all the time) and then me and my G'ma went to start plantin' flowers!!! In the end we planted 2 flats and a tomatoe plant!!! It took 2 hours!!! My G'ma just recently got a perm and i discovered that if you stick sticks in permed hair like hers they stay and she didn't know they were in there 'til she scartched her head!!! It was funny!!!
Tonite we have to go to Redfeild to get some of my aunt Kimmy's china dolls!!! Then we ahve to go get Tasha at 8!!! Then Tomorrow i have to work in the morning and then after work me, Tasha, and dad are goin' to head out to Meadow Lake with our boat!!! Then after we fish a bunch of our family are goin' to have a fish fry!!! I havent been out there for a while so i dont know how the fishin' is, but i guess we'll see!!!
I think thats all for now!!! See 'yall!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~


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