Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Car washes!!!ahhhhh!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Well last week was a long week!!! On Wednesday after church i had to go out to our camper!!! And when i got to the camper nobody was there so i had to stay there by myself for a while so i watched some tv!!! Then when my mom got back we went to a ladie for work's camper then went back to our camper and went to bed!!! Then on thursday mornin' i woke up at 7:30 and ate a bagle then got back in bed and fell asleep and then woke up to my aunt Linda poundin' all the way down the side of our camper adn then on the door just to tell my mom they had to sell tickets that night!!! so i sat up and hit my head on a light on our ceilin'!!! Then we went to the fair and watched the Warnocks and we saw Pastor Ted, cahlen, and logan!!! Then that night was the night the storms hit!!! So i don't like storms too much and my dad had me outside watchin' them!!! And i guess my cousin and mom saw the start of a tornado but it came out of the clouds but not all the way down!!! But then after the storms were over tasha came out and we went to the dance!!! But we didn't stay there we went to the bleachers aadn stood under the tarp and let the water drop on us!!! Then my cousin Lisa came over and we went to hang out with zack and cory by zacks cows!!! And we were under a barn roof type-a-thing and zack looked up and said 'wow the boards are sideways' in a jokin' way so i looked up and i was like hey they are and lisa and tasha looked at me like are u that stupid!!! But then we walked back to the camper and onthe way there i stepped in a few, a lot, of puddles and when we got back to the camper my socks and shoes were soakin' wet!!! Then on Friday me and tasha walked up to the fair but when we got up there i relized what time it was adn it wasnt open yet so we walked back down to the camper and then tasha had to leave!!! But then after she left me and my mom went up to the fair!!! Then at 3 i had to go back home so i could go to my dad's!!! Then i went to my dad's and then on Saterday i went to the church and the girls went shoppin' and when i walked in i had a Superman and leah and brooke came over and had to have a drink then evrybody was like lisa i dont think you need that!!! But after that i was kinda hyper!!! But then we wnet shoppin' adn it was fun, and i didnt get hert or sick!!! I was happy!!! Then i went to leah's house after we got back and we went to the mexican restaruant in waukee!!! So that was the first time i had beef in like 2 whole months!!! But it was good!!! Then on Sunday we went to church adn i worked in the nursery!!! Then we went back to leah's house and we went to super target 'cause hailey had to get a swim suit and me and leah got matchin' ones!!! Then tasha came over and we got the 4wheeler out and went over by the cabin and leah took tasha on it first adn i stayed at the cabin and there was a bee on me so i swatted at it and then a bunch of them came after me!!! Then i herd somethin' growlin' at me!!! Then leah took me on it and i came off the seat when we went on a jump and then we had it on 2 wheels when we turned a corner!!! And i was holdin' on to the bars and when we hit a bump my ahands would come off and then go back down and now i have bruises on my palms and they hurt!!! But then we went back to the house and it was time to leave!!! And when we got to the car i asked tasha if i could drive and so i got to drive!!! And they said you can't go slow so i didn't go slow!!! And i turned one of the corners without slowin' down too much but we lived!!! Then we went to the aquatic center!!! We went down th ered slide first!!! When we left i was sittin' in the back and brenny was sittin' by me and gus(emily) was talkin' to me and brenny was listenin' and i was like did you follow that??? And i was surprised 'cause i barely followed it!!! Then yesterday my mom said i need to go threw the carwash adn she just wanted to go when i was in there 'cause she knos i don't like them!!! But then we went to costco. and then home!!! Then i had to clean my room!!! yippie!!!
but i think thats all i have to say!!! see 'yall!!!
Yesterday was one year since i broke my ankle!!!
~!~smile 8^) ~!~


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