Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

larry the rooster & scurry carnies!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Well tonight after church i am gunna go to the fair grounds and go to a dance thing!!! Then tomorrow the fair is startin' and i prolly have to help my mom do stuff 'cause she works out there!!! But i guess i can help since we get in for free!!! But sometime this week i have to go and see the chickens and roosters and see if larry is there or if he died!!! Let me explain... last year me, my cousins, and some friends were walkin' through the chicken barn and there was this one rooster that caught my eye!!! He had whites spiky hair on the top of his head and he did a dance thing when he walked!!! And so i tried to do his dance and when i looked up everybody was lookin' at me like i was a freak and they asked me what i was doin' and i told them i was copying this rooster and they busted up laughin' and that whole night lisa(my cousin) kept tellin' people to watch my dance thing so i had to keep doin' it for drunk people!!! Then i went back the next day and he got a blue ribbon!!! Then at night everybody goes to the beergarden to have dances and me, my cousins, and some friends go walk 'round the fair grounds and go mees with all the animals and sit in a kazibo!!! And last year me, lisa, keirsten(a friend), and seth(lisa's boyfriend at the time) were sittin' in the kazibo and all of a sudden a freaky lookin' carnie guy comes up to us and says ' do you guys wanna come back to my trailer and party with me' and we just looked at him and we all were like are u stupid??? Then we went back to were the dance was and told my uncle Bobby 'bout the carnie and he got MAD!!! The next day we all were tryin' to find the carnie but we couldn't find him!!! So they are not alowed back there, so we have new carnies!!! But it should be fun!!! And we get to stay at the camper all of this week!!!
Then on Friday i go to my dad's and then on Saterday morning the girls are goin' shoppin'!!! Tasha doesn't get to go though so im gunna be lookin' for her and she won't be there!!!
Oh, man my neck herts SO bad!!! From when i fell off of the hamock onto my head!!! When me and Tasha were walkin' home, from the picnic with the church, we were like half way to the house and all of a sudden my head rolls back and its really hard to hold my head up and i had to keep stopin' so i could fix my neck!!! It scurred me!!!
Oh, my gosh at the races i bet everybody that was around us found out that its not the best thing to sit by us!!! Well nobody knows who it is but his # is 47x and he decided to ram into Chad and Chad was tryin' to push him off and then he ran into one of the tires and went like on top of it and then it fell over and he rolled over and those tires are filled with scraps of cement from whenever they pour cement in the fair grounds so they are really heavy!!! And then there was a guy(a fan of 47x) up by us and Chad's family and friends and he was sayin' it wasn't intentional but everybody knew it WAS and so him and Larry Freestone's got into an argument and then Larry came back up from yellin' at the 47x and then Larry and the guy got into it!!! But then in the stock-main Tim got passed Tony Bogger and was in first and then Tony got spun out and was even farther behind and on the secint to last lap Tim had the right-a-way and Tony hit Tim's back end and made Tim flip in the air like twice an dhe hit the wall when he was comin' down!!! And in both of those accidents my mom was SREAMIN' and the one with Tim i was screamin'!!! Everybody around us turned 'round and looked at us like oh,my gosh what freaks!!! But i don't care!!! And i kinda feel sorry for Tony 'cause he has prostetic legs and he uses hand controls for the gas,brakes and everything but then i don't 'cause he's been driven that car for a long time and he knows how to work everything and he's been driven on that track for a while!!! And he picks a lot of fights that he doesn't need to be!!!
But i think that's all i have for now!!! so talk to 'yall later!!! seeya!!!
~!~ SMILE 8^) ~!~


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