Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Monday, July 03, 2006

It's almost been a year!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Well this weekend was perdy boring!!! On friday i helped my dad put a spare tire on his car!!! Then on saterday my dad had to work so i went to my aunt and uncles for a little bit!!! The Greene's are gone so one of my cousin's is takin' care of their aminals so i went with her and i got to play with their weiner dog!!! Then one of my other cousin's stayed the night with me at my dad's house!!! She will go phsyco on you if your not payin' attention!!! Then on Sunday i got up to get ready for chuch and i started to walk tawrds the hallway and i stepped down on my right leg and my knee gave out adn i almost hit the WALL!!! Then we went to church and after church we took ashleigh home adn then came back and did NOTHIN'!!! Then i went back home and when i got inside my other dad was cookin' fish!!! I asked them what they did this weekend and they said they went to Big Creek and then they said the boat died on them when they got to the opposite side of the boat ramp and it took them 2 hours to get back over to the other side usin' the troller motor!!! And then they didnt catch anything!!! But then my dad asked me if i wanted any fish but i had to say 'no' 'cause we were gunna do birthdays at youth and i knew that if i didn't eat then everybody would get on me 'bout it!!! 'Cause now Layne tells me im eatin' so i kinda have to!!! But the pizza was good!!! Now today... I am goin' with my mom to go pay bills and then we are gunna go get some hair dye so i can try to get back to my natural hair color(blonde)!!! Then i am gunna go to my g'mas so she can dye my hair and then we're gunna do stuff in her back yard!!! And my g'pa is gunna help me with my iPod!!!
Oh, my gosh it has almost been one whole year since i broke my ankle!!! Leah was like watch on the day you broke it you'll brake it again!!! I hope not!!! I broke it on July 17th!!!
I don't think i've hert myself that much lately!!! My knee keeps gettin' swollen and you can feel the heat after i walk from my bones rubbin' together!!! It's weird to feel it!!!
Oh, my gosh last night i was really bored and i decided to see how much money i have in shoes right now!!! And i had about $667 in shoes, and yes i rote that right!!! But keep in mind that the Docs cost $100 and each pair of chucks cost $40, and i have 5 pairs of those,plus some shoes that i don't wear a lot!!! And i have baught perdy much all of my shoes!!! That's a lot of money!!!
Well i think that's all i have to say!!! See'yall!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~


Blogger .... said...

Thats awesome, you broke your ankle on my birthday.

1:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

really i thought it was someones b-day but i couldn't 'member who's!!! cool, now ill 'member ur b-day!!!

9:18 PM  

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