Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Thursday, June 29, 2006


Hey hey hey!!! I haven't written since a week ago!!! So on Friday we went to get tasha and then we went to the rodeo!!! I love the rodeo!!! I want to get horses and do ropin', dancin' and barrel racin'!!! Then when we got into the gates my dad gave me and tasha $10 to get some food!!! So then my dad and tasha stopped to get some food and they asked me if i was gunna eat and i told them no 'cause it was hot outside!!! So then they told me after the rodeo that i was STARVIN' myself!!! That made me VERRRY MAD!!! That is the stupidist way to dye!!! Then on saturday we(me and tasha) went to the weddin'!!! When we were standin' there i told tasha that it didn't seem real like it was a dream or somethin'!!! And i wore a dress to the weddin' and right wen i walked in the doors someone said somethin' 'bout it!!! But i guess i should have been ready for that 'cause it just me in a dress(SCURRY)!!! I havent worn a dress since my mom and tom(dad) weddin'!!! But then at their reseption i went to take it off and it stuck to me 'cause it was hot and sticky out and it was lacy stuff and my mom had to cut it!!! It was funny!!! Maybe thats why i don't wear them!!! I don't know!!! Then Tasha, Leah, Me, and shane, and shane's sister and dad and niece went to a cubs game!!! And on our way me and leah were sittin in the back seat of a van and the seat i was in wasn't in the floor 'cause it was unhooked and me and leah were singin' and dancin' to the music in the back seat and tasha and shane were in the front laughin' at us!!! Then we stopped at a gas station and i got a Superman energy drink(like i needed it) and it was gone in 5 minutes!!! It is SOOO good!!! And then after the game my knee was hertin' and so i jumped on Leah's back and she gave me a piggyback ride for a little bit!!! Then i put my leg up on tasha's and my knee was really swollen and tasha and leah were pokin' it 'cause it was really gushi!!! They thought it was funny but i just thought my knee hert!!! Then Sunday it was tashas b-day party at our house!!! And if i knew how to put pix on here i would put some that my g'pa took of me do some really stupid stuff!!! It was funny!!! Then on Monday me and my mom went to get some adidas sandles that were on sale!!! And then we came home and then my dad got home and we had to go back to des moines to go to Scheels to get some boat bumpers/guiders!!! Then on Tuesday me and my mom went back to Scheels to take the bumper thingys back and get differnt one so we got the last pair so we had to wait for them to take the display one off and while we were doin' that i was lookin' at tackle boxes and i found one that is orange adn awesome and it like $60!!! i might get it in a month or so!!! It is so awesome!!! Then on Wednesday me leah and tasha went to leahs orthadonist appointment and then we went shoppin' 'til it was time for church adn then i stayed at leah's and came back tonight and then went to my g'ma's house!!! She was rearangin' her livin' room AGAIN!!! So me and my uncle went outside and played hacky!!! it was fun 'cause he's a nutcase!!!
I think that's all i have to say for right now!!! see'yall!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~


Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way things sound you are busy!! I thought your dress was cute, it is funny they your mom had to cut it though. :) I will see you Sunday!!

7:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah i was busy!!! it was kinda scurry when she had to cut it 'cause i was like 7 and i didn't no wat was gunna happen!!! thanx!!!

12:04 PM  
Blogger .... said...

Hey at the cubs game did you see a iowa cubs bear on stilts? because if you did thats my cousin or something.

4:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i saw a person in a cubs costume!!! i stayed way far away from it though, 'cause they scurr me!!!

12:00 PM  

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