Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

There's a hole in your back!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Well my week has been perdy borin'!!! Compared to last week!!! Well on Tuesday my mom i went up to my g'mas to visit and i watched Big Brother with her and my uncle!!! My uncle is a freak!!! And he likes to make fun of me 'cause a how i dress, how i hert myself all the time, and just plain old stupidity!!! But he's not really like an uncle he's more like a brother to me 'cause we hang out all the time and he teaches me stupid stuff!!! He's perdy cool(if uve known him for a while)!!! Then i went home and did nothin'!!! Then on Wednesday i woke up at 7 so i could wake my mom up 'cause we had to go to des moines!!! So i had to stop at the station(Fullers) so my g'pa could get the film outa the camera 'cause it got stuck!!! Then we stopped at wallgreens to get my film onto a disk!!! Then we went to jordan creek to try to find the new wal-mart and my mom got lost and i told her to go one way and she went the other way and the way i told her to go in the first place was the right way so we got lost!!! I think wal-mart is borin'!!! My g'ma Grabill thinks that wal-mart is gunna like take over the world!!! Then we went to target to get some school supplies 'cause they were on sale!!! That was sooo excitin'(NOT)!!! Then we went to wallgreens to pick up my film and i took 4 rolls in and i only got 2 rolls that had pictures on them!!! I was kinda upset but i got over it 'cause i got some pictures that were perdy good!!! Then at 'round 5:30 we get a call from my g'ma Carson sayin' that she might have liver cancer!!! I was scurred!!! But she went in today to get more tests takin' so we will prolly know tomorrow for sure if she does or not!!! Then today i went to my g'pas to show him the pictures and then he let me barrow a disk to load on my computer so i can work on my ppictures here!!! It was Adobe PhotoDeluxe4.0!!! But he messed with a couple and they turned out perdy good with usin' that program!!! Then tomorrow we ahve to go pick up tasha and then on Saterday i have to work in the mornin' then i think me and tasha are gunna go to the womens meetin' then we have races that night!!! Ill prolly lay down in the bleachers or in the car before the races!!! Im gunna be so tired!!! Then on Sunday we have church and i think we get to just hang out but i think ill take some pix instead!!! Then we have youth and then take tasha back home!!!
Oh yeah 'bout the title... my mom had a black dot on her back and a laidie we work with thought it might be skin cancer so she went to the doctor today and they cut it outta her back and i had to change the bandaid and when i took the bandaid off there was a HOLE in her back and it was still black!!! EWWWWWE!!! GRODY!!! I gagged it was so gross!!!
Well i think that's all i have for now!!! See 'yall!!!
~!~ SMILE 8^) ~!~


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