Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

sweet corn festival!!!

hey hey hey!!! well this weekend i was at my dad's and we really didn't do anything!!! on friday we went to the new wal-mart and he had to ask ME for directions!!! but i got us there!!! im gettin' smarter(kinda)!!! and then yesterday was the seewt corn festival!!! and i got up at 8 to go to Fran and Louis's(my g'ma and g'pa if thats what you want to call them) and watch the parade with my aunt and uncle and their kids!!! but 2 of them were in the parade!!! then emily(gus), ashleigh, and nic stayed with me and my dad to walk 'round with us!!! then at 2:30 we had to go to my g'ma Rita's for our b~day presents!!! she did this thing were she just had one b~day party at once for everyone!!! and then we went home and nic came over and all of us went to the dance!!! and my dad gets irritated at me 'cause i know(am related to) over half the people there!!! and then today nic drove us to church in his new(to him) car!!! then at youth i got there and the only people that were there were layne and moriah adn then emma came after!!! so there was only 4 people there!!! so layne preached then we just kinda talked!!! then on tuesday tasha might come over and stay and then we are gunna go to the fair Wednesday mornin'!!! and im EXCITED 'cause last year i had a broken ankle so i couldn't ride any rides and we had to leave early!!! but this year my mom bought 'mega passes' so i can ride as many rides as i want since i didnt get to last year!!! i cant wait to have a turkey burger...they are so good and they're like the only thing i like there 'cause perdy much everything else has beef in it!!! and i dont like beef!!! and 'cause i dont like beef everyone says im not american!!! but today i HAD to eat beef 'cause my dad cooked hamburgers for lunch!!! and if i said i didnt want it he would've got mad and i know this for a fact 'cause one time he asked me if i liked ravioli and i said no and he went off cussin' like no other!!! so i dont ever tell him i dont like somethin' any more!!! so i ate like 2 bites of it and i threw the rest away!!!
Well i think thats all i have for now!!! talk to 'yall later!!! seeya!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~


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