Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Boat motors...or the new pillow???

hey hey hey!!! well Saterday i went with tasha, her mom, and chelsea to go shoppin' at like 5 and we got back at like 11:30 and our parents weren't home until'we started goin' inside 'cause they were out at the fair grounds still partyin'(at the after races parties)!!! I got new shoes... nike shocks!!! they are sooo comfy!!! But then today after church we went out to Badger and when we got to the lake there was a guy with his daughter and his Lab. and the dog was 9 months old and they had it trained already to wait and then go fetch it from the water... i dont even think tasha could get it from the water... j/k!!! But after i parked the truck we went and got in and went to some shade and then dad got a snag so we had to go out into the sun to get it and then we stayed out in the sun for a while and after i casted out i was gettin' tired 'cause of the sun and so i decided to lay my head down on our gas motor 'cause its right behind MY seat and so then nobody was catchin' nething so i guess dad and tasha said to real in the lines adn i didnt hear neone of 'em so tasha had to nudge me 'cause i fell asleep on the motor in the HOTTT sun!!! then we went to the other side of the lake and sat in a nother part of shade and it was like 2ft. and the bottom was mud and wen we went to leave i asked dad if i could drive the boat and he asked if i wanted to use the troller mottor and i was like '' i tried to use it out at Bever and it was differnt then i thought it was gunna be!!! i couldnt make it turn!!! But i got to drive it wit the gas motor and i was swayin' the boat back and forth!!! it was fun!!! AND NO I DIDNT CRASH, EXPLODE,OR FLIP IT LIKE I BET MOST OF YOU R THINKIN' RIGHT NOW!!! ooo...yeah after we left casey's from gettin' something to eat and drink adn the laidy that was at the check out was some dudes mom that put him up for adoption that i no from redfield and then wen we left dad said that the dude i no(aaron stonehocker) might be his son!!! i was like oh, my gosh!!! Then he's like yeah and i might have some more kids that i dont no 'bout!!! me and tasha looked at each other and i was like 'dad u were a pimp???) and he's like no but i had an offer to be wen i was 16!!! i was just like...GROSS!!! then we came home and ate supper(i had corn on the cob, and spanish rice)(i no that doesnt really go together but thats wat my mom cooked)!!! Then we went to the Aquatic Center and i told tasha i new were it was but she didnt believe me but then wen we left i got us there with only one rong way 'cause we didnt turn onthe right road wen we got to Kum-n-Go by the place!!! but i(me...LISA) got us there in one peice and on time with out directions thats right NO DIRECTIONS!!!
And the only time I hurt myself was weni put my neck out the side of the truck and it burnt my neck and it HURT!!! But then i guess my knee got hurt 'cause i walked too much and my knee started to burn and i perdy much fell in one of the stores 'cause it hurt sooo bad!!! and i guess i got hurt wen i almost fell off the boat 'cause i hit the troller motor with my head and then my knee!!!
but ill see 'yall later!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~


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