Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

a new sport!!!

Hey hey hey!!! on Monday i went to leah's house and i went home after church last night!!! but durin' those 3 days i was there i killed a lot of crikets and caught some too!!! 'cause leah and hailey dont like them!!! and wen we were in the basement watchin' tv leah kept yellin' 'criket...lisa kill it' so i had to keep gettin' up to kill them!!! And one of them ran under the table and i couldnt get it out for a while so i was like im not sneekin' up on them no more!!! so after that i had to run and jump on them...and one of them got like ground up!!! so their carpet looked spekled!!! But yeah it was fun for killin' crikets!!! And i kept gettin' hurt at their house!!! Wen i woke up on Tuesday my shoulder hurt like no other... i think its 'cause she had a water bed and i move a lot wen i sleep and i think i kept hittin' it on the bottom!!! And then wenever i go to her house my knee always hurts, and i havent figured out why yet!!! Then i got a bruise in the side of my leg and i dont no wat from!!! OMG hailey had a totall lisa moment... well she came into the livin' room and all of a sudden she fell and me and leah didnt see nething that she could've tripped over and then she said she tripped over the nintendo, then wen she was lyin' down from fallin' she brought her foot up and then slammed it down and her foot hit on the controller, then she stomped to her room and then through the kitchen and nocked somethin' off the wall!!! Oh man was that funny... me and leah had to put our faces into the pillows so she wouldnt see us laughin'!!!
Then at church me and leah were sittin' on the floor in the hallway and wen i went to stand up my finger bent backwards!!! that hurt!!!
Well i think thats all that has happened so far this week!!! so talk to 'yall later!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~


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