Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Sunday, August 20, 2006


hey hey hey!!! i have a lot to write 'bout!!! well here goes... on Wed. we went to the fair!!! when we got outta the car this old guy picked us up in a golf cart so we didnt have to walk, it mighta been 'cause i had a knee brace on but i dont know!!! then we went to the barns to see if i could find my friends horses but all of the horses were gone!!! then we walked in the veried industries buildin' and i made tasha and my mom go into the Iowa State corner thing and my mom was wearin' an iowa shirt(just 'cause i like Iowa State) and so she looked like a dork and she didnt even care!!! then they made me go into the iowa corner (Iowa State had more and better stuff 'cause they're better) and i was like i dont think i want to be in here and i had an Iowa State shirt on and this ladie was standin' there and ahe smiled at my mom and tasha and then she was smilein' at me but then she looked at my shirt and walked away!!! i thought it was funny!!! but then we went and watched the acrobats from africa!!! they were Awesome!!! then we went and rode some rides i rode as many as i could, no joke either!!! and i went on this one ride that looks like a space ship and you get in it and it spins you like the silly silo but the cusion things move up and down and when mine came back down my foot got caught under the seat thing!!! then me and my mom went on this one ride and it made my foot go numb and it hert!!! and when ever i went on a ride something always got in my eye!!!
Then on Friday we went to old country buffet and when my mom and dad were done they went out side and me and tasha were still at the booth and rite when my dad walked out the door i started grabbin' stuff and puttin' it in my milk, there was: milk, pop,ice, salt,pepper, sweet~n~low, more pepper, ice cream, chocolate cake, oh yeah and some more pepper!!! and it looked and smelled grody!!! and i looked at tasha and sed i'd give you $10 if you chug that and teh i was like kk how 'bout $3 if you take a drink of it!!! so she took a drink of it!!! it was NASTY!!! then we came outta the place laughin' and my parents were like what are you guys laughin' at??? we just started laughin' even more!!! it was funny!!!
then on saterday i had to work in the mornin' and i had to do like almost all of the beds 'cause the laidie that usually helps moved to differnt weekends adn so there was a differnt laidie and she was doin' somethin' else for like the first 30 min. and thats usually how long it takes to make a lot of the beds so then i passed water and diapers!!! then some laidie started sayin' stuff 'bout me to one of my moms friends and then she told my mom and my mom told me that i shouldn't go back nemore if they were gunna start stuff!!! so i dont work there ne more!!! but then we went to the races 'cause it is mine and tashas last race we can go to this year and it was a good race!!! Tim got secint(sp.???)!!! then we went back to the camper for a while and my cousin rode back with us and he was messin' 'round and he accidently punched me rite under my eye and on my nose!!! it hert!!!
then on Sunday we went to the station(fullers) and ate breakfast!!! and my g'pa got a pop can and was cuttin' with his thum nail!!! it was cool!!! thats how sharp his nails are and ive gotten scratched by it before(on accident)!!! they hurt!!! then we went to church!!! then after church we went to subway adn then went back home and hooked up the boat and left!!! and i got to drive part way to Beaver... with the boat on the back and i did really good adn i even had to turn with a car goin' the other way and i didnt hit him!!! then i turned it 'round wen we got to the ramp!!! and i didnt make the truck jump this time!!! and wen we were on the boat i leaned over the back of the boat to look at somethin' and i stepped on a pump thing on the gas tank and i thought it was a snake but then i smelled gas!!! so i asked my dad wat it was and he sed it was nothin' but then he said 'but dont hit this plug 'cause gas willl spill all over'!!! so then i was like ok im not gunna hit it 'cause i havent yet!!! so then i got to use a jig this time and at first i was like nothin' is gunna eat this soi was realin' it in and i felt a tug and i had a fish on it adn then i caught 2 more on it!!! then we were gettin' ready to leave and do i realled it in and i went to turn around and then my phone started ringin' so i answered it and so i had a pole in my hand and a phone in the other one and i turned around adn my foot hit the plug and gas started gushin' outta it adn i ran across the boat and i was like dad i need halp and he was like wats rong and was like i hit the plug!!! so he ran across the boat and i fell in between the benches!!! and so i was like half on th efloor and half on the cooler and i was still on the phone and i still had a pole in my hand and my mom was like wat the heck is goin' on out there and tasha was like tryin' not to laugh!!! i was like im in trouble!!! but he didnt even get mad!!! but then i went back to my seat and i was like it doesnt stink too bad but then it hit me and it started to hert my throat and my nose!!!
then we went to youth and we were celebratin' stuff!!! then we played games!!! we played a game with wipped cream and chocolate serup adn gum and i realized wen the whipped cream can was sittin' on the counter that it was the same kind that we used on layne's truck and we tasted it before we used it and it was gross so i didnt want to do it and of course i got volunteered to do it and i was the only girl that would do it!! and then cahlen pushed brenny's face into his plate so then brenny threw his plate at cahlen and of course i was sittin' rite behind him wen he threw it so it got all on me and the chair i was on but i survived!!! then we did a game with bananas and strings but i didnt play that one 'cause i wont touch banana peels and if i want a banana i have to have someone else peel it for me!!! but it was funny watchin' it!!! then me, leah, brenny, and kinzie went and rolled down the hill and i went down backwards but i herd my shoulder crack so i had to stop my self and its hard to do that on that hill and i like slid and i got grass in my buttons on my pants!!!so now my shoulder herts!!! then wen i called my mom to come and get us she said that my great g'ma fell AGAIN!!! and so my dad came and picked us up in the truck(betty) and we had me leah and tasha adn so i had to sit in the back of the truck adn there was a circle saw, boards, and a dolly adn more work stuff in the back so i had to sit in the boards adn they werent sittin' flat but they had our lifejackets on top of them so that kinda helped with the bumpy parts!!! and then there are holes in the bed and it was startin' to get chilly back there!!! then i found out that my g'ma cracked her head open adn hert her hip and she has white hair so her hair was red!!! she had to go to the e~room!!!
well tonite i had to go to oreintaion and i got to see my friends that i havent seen since school got out, but then i got to see people that im not really friends with!!! and the new school isnt even done adn it is confusin'!!! i dont no were nething is adn the new lockers are like two high and they have built in locks on them adn we only have 4 min. to get from class and a lot of people cant get their lockers open so there are gunna be a lot of tardies this year!!! and i dont no were ne of my classes are!!! im gunna be sooo lost on the first week!!! and the school isnt even done yet!!! and the art rooms arent gunna be done in time!!!
but i guess thats all i got to say!!! talk to 'yall later!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~


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