Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

energy drinks: friend or...not friend???

Hey hey hey!!! i havent ritten for a while so i cant remember what has happened that long ago so ill rite 'bout what has happened lately!!! Well on friday we got to go to Patrick's for supper and then Tasha came!!! Then on Saterday i woke up at 7(in the morning) for NO reason!!! And then i couldnt get to sleep so i watched a movie while Tasha slept forever!!! But im glad i got up 'cause my dad let me drive to Fuller's and back!!! And then tasha finally got up and we got ready for the game!!! i was like in all cyclone colors and everything!!! I had a jersey, necklaces, my face painted,tatoos, pom-poms in my hair!!! And me and tasha went to the store at half time and everybody was starin' at us!!! I thought it was funny!!! And when tasha asked me if i wanted something to drink and i was like heck yes and i went to get a pop and she said that i could get an energy drink and i was like ok but im not supposed to have them!!! So i got an energy drink and i had to come home and hurry up and put it in a glass before my dad got home!!! Then during the game i was sooo MAD!!! OMG cyclones suck at that game!!! they just let them pass them and they didnt even try to tackle them!!! My phone was in like 3 peices like 5 differnt times during the game 'cause i was mad!!! adn now my phone is twistable!!! But then on Sunday morning i got another energy drink!!! Then at church we gotta help Sara with the cafe!!! Then me and Tasha went home and played monopoly and she lost both games we played BIG TIME!!! but that was just 'cause i dont buy houses i wait til i can get hotels and then she lands on them and has to pay big money!!! but it was fun playin' with her 'cause she didnt know how to play(she said she forgot how to play)!!! But then on our way to church we stopped and got another energy drink!!! So i had 3 energy drinks in 2 days and im not supposed to even have 1!!! And at youth me and tasha were like shaking and she was goin' phyco!!! But then we played volleyball and we played with a bright orange ball and when it was just gettin' dark i couldn't see the ball so i wasnt really good then!!!
Well me and Tasha applied to go to mexico on a missions trip and i got a call tonight(thursday) sayin that i was accepted!!! And so now im REALLY EXCITED!!! i cant wait to go!!!
Well got to go... talk to 'yall later!!! seeya!!!
~!~SMILE 8^)~!~


Blogger Mrs Edgey said...

Cool on the missions trip to Mexico. I got to go mexico on a missions trip once. It was very eye opening and awesome. We were all driving in the van and the guide stopped and jumped out and started jumping all over the road. Come to find out, he was trying to kill some giant tarantula. Ewwww.

5:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sweet, i wont have a problem with the spiders but tasha will FREAK out... my uncle had two tarantulas and i had to catch them when they got outta the cage!!!

5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I went on a missions trip, it totally changed my life. I am so excited for you both!!! *Jess*

4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cool... i cant wait 'till december now!!!

4:04 PM  

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