Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Monday, September 04, 2006

just a little over!!!

hey hey hey!!! so on Thursday i went to the hospital again to go see my g'ma!!! and earlier that day my g'pa gave her 3 bites of ice cream and one of her nurses noticed that she was gettin' a buldge on her stomache!!! so when we were goin' to her room we ran into them takin' her down to get a catscan!!! so we waited for her to get done and then we went to her room and visited for a while!!! then my (great) uncle's wife came and she thinks that since she's a nurse she can look and do whatever she wants and so she comes in g'mas room and starts lookin' threw my g'mas records!!! and my g'ma got mad and went to go smoke and when we came back in mary was walkin' towards us and she put her hand on my g'mas shoulder and stopped her and told it wasnt her fault and then my g'ma said she didnt want to talk 'bout it right then and then mary pushed her into the wall and started walkin' off the other way and turned back and said 'coann... ur crazy' and then my g'pa started walkin' towards her adn she 'mary and ur rude' and she turned around and said 'ur all crazy' and then she came speedin' by us and called us al crazy again and then my g'pa called her a not good name and she turned around and said 'i know i am' and then went into my g'mas room and told my g'ma and g'pa that we were callin' her names but then she didnt happen to tell the other side of the story so my g'pa yelled at my g'ma(kelly not the one in the hospital) and then my g'ma(chadwick) yelled at my g'ma too and then we left!!! and we got home at 9 that night and then i still had algebra to do so i got to my house at like 9:45 and i still had to eat supper and i was tired!!!
Then on Friday tasha came over and we went to the mexican resaraunt in waukee!!! then on Saterday wen my mom got off of work we went to my g'ma and g'pa by the air port's house(they live by the airport in norwalk...they live in lake wood)!!! yeah thats what i call them!!! and when we got there my g'pa was like so lisa are we gunna make another bet this year???(on the iowa state iowa game) i was like yeah so u can lose again!!! but we havent said what it is gunna be yet!!! last year he had to wear a iowa state hat for a week... but he cheated and didnt wear it every day but he carried it with him!!! this year i will make sure he doesnt cheat!!! ooo yeah before we left me and tasha went and took pictures on a gravel road by the brickyard and she let me drive for like an hour!!! and i had to reverse up a hill and for like a mile and do a three point turn and i almost got hit by a truck and i almost went head on with another car around a curve!!! but i didnt!!! and we're still alive!!!
then on Sunday we went to church and i worked in the nersery again!!! then after church we had to go to my g'ma carol's b-day party!!! at my aunt coras house in stuart!!! and i got to drive there and back!!! and on the way there there wernt any cars around so i wasnt really payin' attention to the speedomoter and i looked down every once in a while when tasha leaned over to look at it and i was goin' like 75 -80 mph on highway 6 and another road that might be like f59 but my dad didnt say anything so i thought wat the heck!!! adn when i pulled up to my aunts house some of my cousins were playin' football in the front and tyler just had to say something 'bout me drivin' and then every body else started sayin' stuff and then when we went by the garage everybody over there started say stuff!!! then i got to drive back and i went a little over teh speed limit again (and i only went onto the gravel once and i fixed it quickly) then me and tasha went to my g'ma kelly's and we went out to eat at red robin's and our waitress was on something 'cause she was goin' psyco!!! but it was good and i had a orange thing and there were ice chunks and they were gettin' stuck to my straw so my g'pa and uncle were makin' fun of me and so i used my fork and i forgot i was usin' a fork and i thought i was usin' my straw again so u can prolly guess what i did... yeah i tried to suck on it like a straw!!! and my uncle started laughin' hystarically!!! and then i flicked his ear in the car and when we got to wal-mart he walked up behind me and flicked my ear back and it felt like it was on fire it hurt sooo bad!!! and then i stayed at their house 'cause my parents went to my uncle Odie's house!!! they have a HUGE yard!!! they're the ones with the volleyball courts in their back yard!!! and they live across the street from the Zooks guy!!! i love their dog(hobbs) he's a wratweiler- mastiff mix... he's huge!!! i like to dance with him... he's a good dancer!!! then today we went down to the station 'cause my g'pa had to stock and i helped is really cold back there!!! and when i got back to my house my mom took me into the camper to show me something (it was a surprise i guess) and it turned out to be a tent for me and tasha and when i went to step outta the camper my left leg went too far and my ankle twisted side ways and i couldnt get my other leg outta the camper 'cause it was caught on something so my dad had to help me back to the house and i dont think i broke it but it bruised and it hurts!!! and when my dad came to get me from my g'mas house before i got to the truck he asked if i had my permitt and i was like yeah and so he scouched over and when i went to take the keys outta the truck he's like leave them in there you'll prolly drive to the store later!!! i dont know whats goin' on but he never let me drive before and now im drivin' every where!!! but im not complainin'!!!
well i gotta go do homework(fun fun fun)talk to 'yall later!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~


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