Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

this week has been a good one for me! we went to prayer on tuesday night! and it was amazing! i had a lot happen to me that night and i believe that God is doin' a lot in my life right now and i am learnin' how to just back off and let him take care of it! layne's message on wednesday was really good.. and i think a lot of people needed to hear that and it was at the right time and everything!
on monday night i dropped a hammer on my arm and bruised a muscle! that didnt feel good at all! we have gotten our bathroom pertty much done! thank goodness! tasha is graduating on sunday! its weird to think that she is gunna be goin' to college! it seems like those years went by soo fast! and nic is off to college next year too! thats gunna be weird too! but im still stuck in high school! ugghh.. i cant wait to be out! everyone is like oh it will go by fast enough.. but i dont think they get it! i want out now! i wanna get my life started!
i have decided that im gunna be a farmer and a photographer! im soo excited!

well i have to get ready for work
lisa =


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