Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Grave Stone

Hey hey hey!!! i haven't written for a while and i can't remember back that far so im gunna write 'bout somethin' that i've been thinkin' 'bout lately!!!
Well we were listenin' to a Rascle Flatts cd and this one song(when the sand runs out) came on and i was listenin' to thte words instead of singin' it and They were talkin' 'bout visitin' an old friends grave and then tehy started thinkin' 'bout how they wanted to be remembered and what they wanted people to carve into their grave stones!!! And so i've been thinkin' 'bout what people are gunna remember me by!!! And what they would say at my funeral and what they are gunna put on my grave stone!!! i want people to remember me as the girl that was a good friend, who anybody could go to with their problems, Out going, DIFFERNT then everyone else... i dont wanna blend into everything!!! I know some stuff that people will remember me by... like im clutzy, a blonde(ditzy), and maybe that walls were(are) out to get me!!! Leah sent me this text and it said to describe her in one word and then to send it to 10 people to see how they would describe me and so far they have said... confident, ENERGETIC, Very outgoing, and outgoing again!!!
Has any of you ever thought 'bout that??? if notyou should take a minute and think 'bout that 'cause they might think of you differnt then what you think they would!!! And you're not promised tomorrow so if you want them to remember you differnt... then you might just wanna think 'bout what you're gunna do!!!
This is just somethin' that i was thinkin' 'bout and wanted to write down... and if you took somethin' from it then thats great and if not then you just know how i think now!!!
Hey so if were rememberin' me how would you remember me???
And at my funeral I want it to be a Celebration of my life and to be fun and not sad... and i do NOT want anybody to wear black!!! ..... i was watchin' this one show and in these peoples' culture when someone passed on they really did have a celebration and after they were buried they had a parade for the person... they wore bright colors, played music up and down the street, sang, and like had a party for this person!!! i thought that that was cool... thats where i go the idea!!!
Yeah im(and a lot of other people that know me) thinkin' that im gunna die from a FREAK accident!!! and if i dont die from a freak accident ill prolly live forever... 'cause on my mom's side the women live 'till they're really old... like my GREAT-GREAT- grandma sickerson is 95 and she is like in really good condition and she has lived threw a lot of problems and she is still in REALLY GOOD condition!!!
Well i think im done for right now... ill try to write more later... but hey dont forget to leave me a comment to tell me what you'd remember me like!!!
talk to 'yall later...seeya
~!~SMILE ; ) ~!~