Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Brace Face

Hey hey hey!!! Yesterday at school we started ITEDs and they are already sooo borin' and the fillin' in all those darts are gunna make me sick!!! Yesterday i gotta get outta school early but i got out early to go to the orthodonist's!!! Yeah!!! And i was sittin' in the waitin' room and people were talkin' 'bout this truck and so i stood up and it was a truck that was dumpin' stuff outta the back of it and then they got into a discusion 'bout wat it could be and then someone came in and told us that it was manure(sp??? like cow duty)!!! and it was smokin'!!! it was weird!!!... but any ways back on topic... i finally got into the office so the guy could look at my teeth and he had someone come in to take notes and they were sayin' all this stuff and i had NO CLUE wat they were talkin' 'bout!!! But then he started talkin' to me and then i could understand wat he was sayin'!!! He told me that i would need braces and then like 3-4 months after i got them on i would have to have surgery on 1-2 of my teeth!!! And then he started tellin' me wat all they would have to do to my teeth and i took like a half hour!!! And his gloves tasted like baby origel stuff!!!EWE!!! But my mom said that we would have to wait 'til the beginnin' of January to get them on 'cause of our trip!!! But thats fine with me 'cause wat he was sayin' i had to get done sounded really painful!!! Like they're gunna move my teeth like 5 differnt ways!!! ouch!!!
After school today(we got out early) i went to leah's house and we watched Bench Warmers(funny movie) and then we went 4-wheelin' again... and we walked down this trench thing down to the river and leah made me go first ... she said i was braver but i think she just wasnt sure wat was under the leaves and if that happens... send lisa down first!!! but it was fun i just hope i didnt get poison ivy!!! that stuff is not fun!!! there were a bunch of thorny plants and i sware i ran into EVERY one of them!!! and i got to see my kitty (spotty)!!! and then leah put a hoodie on Teaser... it was sooo funny watchin' him walk with it on!!! he was gangsta with the hood on!!!
well i think thats all i got so ill talk to yall later!!!
~!~smile 8^) ~!~