Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

two weeks!

so since i wrote last i have started homeschooling and it is going great! even tho i feel like i dont know near as much about the outside world as i used to! its not as easy as i thought it would be.. but its cool! And i really miss driving.. A LOT!
i took the test larry gave us and i had two feilds that tied! i got helping and faith! and i can see that i have both of those! and i got a two on teaching and that was right on! lol
my birthday is in two weeks and it my sixteenth so i get to get my license and drive myself where i want to go! thats exciting to me 'cause i get to have more independence.. i LOVE that!
this weekend is ATF! thats exciting too! i cant wait.. its gunna be great! im excited for nevertheless.. and micheal gungor is good not really sure about fireflight tho.. i guess we'll see!
well i guess thats all i have for now!