Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


last friday i had to take a drug test for scheels! i passed.. of course! and i got a job there! i had orientation on monday and i had my first night last night! it was fun! my trainer was cool! he made it really easy! im soo excited to work there! i have wanted to get a job there for a very long time!
we are redoing our bathroom and my parents tore the sheet rock stuff off the walls last night and there is litterally NOTHING in our walls! like no insulation or anything! well there was a joker card.. and an old security card that was really big.. it was soo old and smelly! but that is why it is always cold in our house! we have to keep our heater at 74 in the winter! people think its crazy but it is really cold in here!
well i think im done!
lisa = ]]

Thursday, April 10, 2008

you will be missed!

Tonight is my cousin,Jason Pruitt's visitation! when i found out he past all i could think about is how you think you have all the time in the world but then it can be gone in a split second! and you dont always have a second chance to tell someone you love them or let them know about Jesus! This is gunna be one of the hardest funerals i've been to because i dont think he knew Jesus and i know where he is right now if he didnt and that makes me break down! He died the way he wanted to.. in his race car! but i have to go!
