Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Ice Skating

Hey Hey Hey!!! well today the youth went ice skating and it was VERY cold!!! But i was proud of myself 'cause i didn't fall!!! Everybody thought i was going to fall but i didn't!!! And there was a lot of people with helmets on... but all of them were 'bout 10 years younger than me!!! That was embarressing!!! It was fun though!!! My dad told me it was like roller blading, but it don't think it was 'cause i'm good at rollerblading and i'm NOT good at ice skating!!! Oh, my gosh this week i didn't get hurt... that much!!! I hurt my knee... i was sitting at lunch and i lifted my knee up so my friend couldn't kick me and i hit my knee on the table and it cut me and it made it swell!!! It hurt!!! Then i hurt my finger... i was poping my fingers and i tried to pop my first finger and it wouldn't pop so i kept trying to pop it and i like pulled on it and it felt like it pulled it out of the socket!!! Well i think thats all i hurt this week!!! It was a good week!!! Well i think that's all i have for rite now so ttyl!!! ~!~smile 8P ~!~

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

My Shot!!! ouch!!!

Oh, my gosh today i had to get a TB test after school!!! I do NOT like needles at all!!! so when we got up to the nursing home where i got it at we went into the room and i sat on the chair and i was holding my mom's hand and there was like 3 other ladies in there and when the needle was in my arm the ladies where making me laugh and the ladie that was doing the needle thingy was telling me not to move but i think i moved and the needle moved in my arm and it hurt really bad!!!

Well this weekend there were figure 8 races in adel!!! Everybody was driving like idiots!!! Like this one guy was pushing Tim Taylor and when tim got to like the secint to last lap he blew an oil gasket and the a lap later the guy that was pushing him rolled his car and caught on fire!!! And my cousin Chad hit the wall and hit his head in his car and after the races his mom and dad had to take him to the ER 'cause he was walking and talking weird!!!

Oh, my gosh the only thing i've hert this week was my ankle(again)!!! But on Monday when i was sitting in third hour(history) i like totally forgot my name!!! And i was like freaking out!!! I had to look at all of my papers to find out what my name was!!! But when i got better it sounded really funny!!!

Well thats all i have for today!!!
~!~ SMILE 8) ~!~

Sunday, April 23, 2006

today: my hand

Hey hey hey!!! i should prolly tell you about me since i didn't on my first post!!! so well im lisa and i live in adel!!! And i do NOT like the whole disecting frogs, because frogs are the awsomest animal ever!!! And I hert myself ALL the time!!! That's me!!! well today after church i hert myself again!!! This time it was my hand!!! Well i tried to open the door to get into the house but the door was locked!!! i learnd that the hard way!!! Well i actually hert it on the nail that was sticking out by the door knob!!! so that's how i hert myself today!!! That's all i have to say for right now!!! so seeya!!! ~!~ smile 8) ~!~

Saturday, April 22, 2006

im starting a blog!!!

hey hey hey!!! well i started a blog tonight so im posting!!! so this blog is going to mainly be about my daily injuries and yes i said daily for those who don't know me!!! so yeah i hert my ankle a couple of days ago and i also hert my wrist on my g'ma and g'pa's trampoline so yeah those are my injuries for right now so i'll post more l8r so seeya!!! ~!~ smile 8) ~!~