Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Thursday, June 29, 2006


Hey hey hey!!! I haven't written since a week ago!!! So on Friday we went to get tasha and then we went to the rodeo!!! I love the rodeo!!! I want to get horses and do ropin', dancin' and barrel racin'!!! Then when we got into the gates my dad gave me and tasha $10 to get some food!!! So then my dad and tasha stopped to get some food and they asked me if i was gunna eat and i told them no 'cause it was hot outside!!! So then they told me after the rodeo that i was STARVIN' myself!!! That made me VERRRY MAD!!! That is the stupidist way to dye!!! Then on saturday we(me and tasha) went to the weddin'!!! When we were standin' there i told tasha that it didn't seem real like it was a dream or somethin'!!! And i wore a dress to the weddin' and right wen i walked in the doors someone said somethin' 'bout it!!! But i guess i should have been ready for that 'cause it just me in a dress(SCURRY)!!! I havent worn a dress since my mom and tom(dad) weddin'!!! But then at their reseption i went to take it off and it stuck to me 'cause it was hot and sticky out and it was lacy stuff and my mom had to cut it!!! It was funny!!! Maybe thats why i don't wear them!!! I don't know!!! Then Tasha, Leah, Me, and shane, and shane's sister and dad and niece went to a cubs game!!! And on our way me and leah were sittin in the back seat of a van and the seat i was in wasn't in the floor 'cause it was unhooked and me and leah were singin' and dancin' to the music in the back seat and tasha and shane were in the front laughin' at us!!! Then we stopped at a gas station and i got a Superman energy drink(like i needed it) and it was gone in 5 minutes!!! It is SOOO good!!! And then after the game my knee was hertin' and so i jumped on Leah's back and she gave me a piggyback ride for a little bit!!! Then i put my leg up on tasha's and my knee was really swollen and tasha and leah were pokin' it 'cause it was really gushi!!! They thought it was funny but i just thought my knee hert!!! Then Sunday it was tashas b-day party at our house!!! And if i knew how to put pix on here i would put some that my g'pa took of me do some really stupid stuff!!! It was funny!!! Then on Monday me and my mom went to get some adidas sandles that were on sale!!! And then we came home and then my dad got home and we had to go back to des moines to go to Scheels to get some boat bumpers/guiders!!! Then on Tuesday me and my mom went back to Scheels to take the bumper thingys back and get differnt one so we got the last pair so we had to wait for them to take the display one off and while we were doin' that i was lookin' at tackle boxes and i found one that is orange adn awesome and it like $60!!! i might get it in a month or so!!! It is so awesome!!! Then on Wednesday me leah and tasha went to leahs orthadonist appointment and then we went shoppin' 'til it was time for church adn then i stayed at leah's and came back tonight and then went to my g'ma's house!!! She was rearangin' her livin' room AGAIN!!! So me and my uncle went outside and played hacky!!! it was fun 'cause he's a nutcase!!!
I think that's all i have to say for right now!!! see'yall!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Side mirrors!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Wow i haven't written in hear for a long time!!! Well let me start on Friday... I had to go to my dad's house and he made tacos and so i ate one and i haven't haven't been eatin' a lot of meat lately so it tasted FUNKY!!! Then on Saterday my dad took me to Leah's and when we got to the gravel i asked my dad if i could drive and of corse he said yes!!! And when i got a little down the road i pushed on the gas even more and i took my foot off of the gas pedal and i noticed that it didn't fallow my foot!!! But i didn't tell my dad 'cause i didn't want him to get mad or freak out so i was thinkin' to myself 'ummm i don't think its possa do that' so i kept drivin' and then when i got to the first turn i turned the stearin' wheel and it was like stickin' and it was really hard to turn!!! It scurred me!!! Then Leah and i went to Tasha's and we decided that we were gunna go to a movie!!! We ended up goin' to CARS!!! It was AWESOME!!! Except this ladie that was sittin' directly behind me kept yelling at her kids, not whispering, yelling, then she kept yelling at the screen, then to top it all off she decides to CAUGH ALL over ME!!! EWE!!! She was at the end of my nerves!!! Oh, yeah and she was SHUVING popcorn into her mouth and CHOPING it!!! How annoying!!! Then we went back to tasha's house and watched movies and i was 'bout to fall asleep but they(leah and tasha) wouldn't let me!!! But then when we went to bed my eyes wouldn't shut so i wouldn't let them sleep either!!! Then i had a laughin' attack and couln't stop laughin'!!! It was funny!!! Then on Sunday we went to get up and it was really hard!!! Then i went to wash my hair and when i walked into the bathroom and there was a cat in the sink!!! Then when i was done i put my hands on the side of the tub, bad idea, and it was wet!!! So i slipped and my head fell into the tub!!! ouch!!! Then we went to my g'pa Oscar's for a lunch thing!!! Then i stayed at my aunt and uncles house in Redfeild 'til tuesday!!! And on Monday i went to my cousin's soft ball game wit my other aunt!!! It was HOT!!! Then on Wednesday me and my mom had to go to Jodan Creek so i could get some shoes(NOT FOR ME)!!! Then Today we had to drop of my film at walgreens and go to Costco!!! I got SOOO much gum!!! Then we picked up my film adn i think i got some good pictures!!! I think that someone that's really good at takin' pictures would say that theres somethings that could be better but for my first time usin' a camera like that and takin' pictures like i did i think they're pretty good!!! But my dad said that it was a waste of film but he doesn't no anything!!!j/k!!!
Well i think that's all i have to say so ill right later!!! see'yall!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I can't find it anywhere!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Lately i've been goin' up to my G'pas to work on somethin' but i've been playin' with his camera instead!!! He has a 35mm camera with like 4 differnt lenses and a bunch of special effect things you can put on the lenses!!! I've taken some pictures in their back yard!!! But the problem is that the pictures im takein' would look a lot better in black and white!!! So we looked at some stores today for some black and white film... but NOBODY had any!!! So if you know where i can find some can you leave me a comment or something??? please!!!
Thats all!!! see 'yall!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~

Hearing loss!!!

Hey hey hey!!! I just recently went to the ENT doctor and they had a poster thing on the wall and it was signs to tell if your losin' your hearin'!!! And i found the paper my mom rote the things on!!! Here are the signs...
~ Frequent request for repitition...'what or huh'!!!
~ confussion 'bout the topic of conversation which would lead to inappropriate responses!!!
~ feelin' that you can hear but not understand the conversation~mumbling!!!
~ Leanin' forward to hear or strainin' to hear or turnin' head from side to side to hear!!!
~ Family or friends complain 'bout the increased volume on the TV!!!
~ Noises in the ear or head such as ringin' or crickets, hummin' or buzzin'!!!
~ Difficult tellin' where sound is comin' from!!!
~ Innapropriate volume level of your own voice!!!
~ Loss of desire to attend social gatherings!!!
And when we were in the room i was like 'mom am i really goin' to be deaf???' And she's like you already are!!!' And she started laughin' and the walked in and looked at us like we were freaks!!! It was funny!!!
Thats all i wanted to post!!! see 'yall!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~

Monday, June 12, 2006


Hey hey hey!!! This weekend we were pretty buisy!!! On Saturday i had to work in the mornin', then we(me and tasha) went to the women's meeting,it was fun, then my dad, me, tasha got our stuff and headed out to Meadow Lake!!! We were listenin' to KJ-52 and my dad kept askin' us if it was christian music adn we told him it was but he didnt believe us, and he kept askin' us if the songs would be considered songs at all 'cause they say the same thing over and over in one of the songs then we had to tell him the words to one of the songs!!! Then me and my dad took the boat to the boat ramp to get it in the water and he backed it in but then i had to back it in more and then when he got it off the trailer i got to pull it up off the ramp and drive it over to the camp site!!! It was fun!!! And i kinda smoked the wheels AGAIN when i pulled it off the ramp!!! Then when i got to the camp site EVERYBODY was lookin' at me like thats scurry!!! And i stopped on the road to the site and got back in and was puttin' it into drive and it went into reverse instead and i started to go backwards!!! Im startin' to get better at turnin' now!!! We caught 'bout 20 good sized blue gill!!! They're a lot bigger then the ones at Bever!!! And i was so excited 'cause i took my first fish off of my hook yesterday!!! And i took one of tashas off of hers too!!! But my dad won't let me touch them with out a towel or my sleeve 'cause hes affraid they will cut me!!! But i guess it is me hes talkin' to!!!
Then on Sunday we had church and i got to help Jessica with the little kids and the crafts!!! And then we went home and i was sittin' on the floor so tasha could do my hair and my leg was numb from my knee down and i stood up and i couldnt feel it so i tried to step forward but my leg didn't move so i went forward and my tooth hit the wall!!! I dont know why my tooth hit but nothin' else did!!! There is a dent in the wall from my tooth!!! It HERT like no other!!! Then at youth we ahd a pickle eatin' contest and it was me tasha moriah and cahlen!!! Layne volenteered me to play so i had no choice!!! And cahlen won!!! He like shoved the whole thing in his mouth!!! Then we went outside and played volleyball and The teams were 'the greek gods'(layne, cahlen, mariah,and alex) vs. moriah, shane,brenny,conner, and me!!! we each won two games!!! And i ACCIDENTLY hit layne with the volleyball two times in a row!!! Then i hit tasha when she was in the slide thing!!! It went through the roof thingy and hit her!!! That was funny!!! And i also hurt my pinky finger!!! So now i have to have it taped to my other finger!!! That makes it kinda harder to type this!!!
Well i think thats all i have to say!!! seeya!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~
Oh, yeah the title, when i walked up to the camp site my uncle Lenerd started callin' me BEET-TOP!!! Too many names!!!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Flowers galore!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Yesterday didnt do very much durin' the day but then i went to my G'ma's to help her plant flowers in her yard!!! We went to Harvy's to get flowers and we found the first kind my G'ma wanted Then we picked up a tomatoe plant and then we walked around and in the tent things 'bout 3 times!!! Then we were walkin' back to the main building and then my G'pa was like "maybe there in the row marked 'petunias'(or what ever the flowers with the faces are called)" so then we got some of those kinds!!! Then went to the fabric store for part of Tasha's B-day present!!! So then next week we can work on that!!! Then we went back to her house and waited for it to cool down outside and while we were doin' that we were watchin' the food channel(my G'pa and i watch that channel all the time) and then me and my G'ma went to start plantin' flowers!!! In the end we planted 2 flats and a tomatoe plant!!! It took 2 hours!!! My G'ma just recently got a perm and i discovered that if you stick sticks in permed hair like hers they stay and she didn't know they were in there 'til she scartched her head!!! It was funny!!!
Tonite we have to go to Redfeild to get some of my aunt Kimmy's china dolls!!! Then we ahve to go get Tasha at 8!!! Then Tomorrow i have to work in the morning and then after work me, Tasha, and dad are goin' to head out to Meadow Lake with our boat!!! Then after we fish a bunch of our family are goin' to have a fish fry!!! I havent been out there for a while so i dont know how the fishin' is, but i guess we'll see!!!
I think thats all for now!!! See 'yall!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Hey hey hey!!! Oh,my gosh today was excitinger then any other day so far this summer!!! Well it started off me wakin' my mom up so we could go to Redfeild to give my cousin her birthday card!!! Then we had to be at the nursing home at 11am 'cause it was 50's day there and my mom used to work at Stella's and they wanted her to pour shakes on peoples heads!!! The 2 people she poured shakes on she kinda missed there heads a little!!! It was funny!!! Then we ate lunch there!!! EWEY!!! It was DISGUSTING!!! I had a tenderloin, pie,fries and pie!!! But after i saw the purrade(mushy) food i didn't eat like any of it!!! Then we came home and i layed down for a little bit and i woke up to my g'ma ticklin' me(why do g'mas have a "fedish" of ticklin' people) and a chain saw!!!
My cousin came over to cut down the rest of our tree!!! So i went outside from an airconditioned house and oh,my gosh was it HOT!!! So then my dad got home and they hooked the tree up to the truck and they started pullin'!!! But... it didn't want to come down, prolly 'cause it new i didnt want it to come down!!! But after 'bout an hour it came down!!! When it did we felt the ground shake!!! And after i came down we went to look at what damage it did, it did a good chunk of damage!!! Like when my dad was pullin' the tree his wheels were spinnin'(it was a GMC i wonder why?) but any ways they left big dips in the ground, and then there were big chunks of ground missin' from were the tree hit 'cause the tree like bounced off the ground, it was funny!!! I also got like a story of the tree comin' down in pictures!!! It is kinda funny!!! And in the end it took 3 chains, 2 chain saws, a truck, a water hose(to keep the truck cooled down), and 3 guys!!!
So i think thats all i have to say rite now!!! So ill talk to 'yall later!!! seeya!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~

Monday, June 05, 2006


Hey hey hey!!! Well i haven't posted since like Friday so i might have a lot to right 'bout, but i don't know!!! Well after i posted on Friday i had to pack to go to my dads house!!! Packin' is not really exciting!!! Then my dad picked me up and we went to des moines!!! We had to get some food!!! And on the bike trail across from Dahls there was an older guys lying on his side on the ground not movin'!!! This laidie was callin' the ambalence to come and get him!!! Then we went home and watched TV!!! Then on Saturday we went to Des Moines again to take my dads other computer back to rent a center!!! WOW, my dad has MAIJOR road rage!!! Then we went to Redfeild 'cause my cousin Nic stayed the night on saterday!!! Then on sunday we had church and i got to workin the nursery!!! We had 3 kids this time!!! The last time i worked in there we only had Anna!!! I held Giffin almost the whole time 'cause he was either mad or tired!!! But then after church we took Nic home and we ended up stayin' there for a while!!! Micha, their g'ma and g'pa were there too!!! That was the first time they saw my hair and when i walked onto the front porch thingy they were shalked!!! Then they got a big water slide thingy and all the kids were goin' down it!!! It was funny watchin' the babies go on it!!! Then we had youth!!!
When i got to the church i walked in the doors and Layne, Conner, and Cahlen were standin' at the doors with their shoes/thangs off!!! EWWWE!!! Feet are disgustin'!!! Then Layne talked for a while a then we went out and played volleyball!!! At first the team i was on was Brooke, Shane, the new Sara, and me!!! Against Layne, Alex, Cahlen, Breni, and Conner!!! But then before we started Conner came over to our side!!! We asked what he was doin' and they said that he was on our side 'cause they had me!!! So then Conner was on our team!!! We played 3 games the other team won the 1st game but then our team won the last 2 games!!! so we got best outta 3!!! And i was on that team!!! I was happy!!! It was fun!!!
Oh, my gosh today we(my mom and me) went to Des Moines to pay bills and we were by DQ at the stop lights and this laidie rearended this older guy!!! And oh, my gosh my mom is so parinoid that she is goin' to get in another accident!!! Like at ever stop light we went through the people in ffront of us started to go and then pushed their brakes again and she thought she was goin' to hit them or the people behind us were goin' to rearend us!!! I thought it was kinda funny!!!
And this weekend i have hit my head sooo many times!!! Like on car doors and walls!!! Walls have a tendencie(wow i just used a big word, maybe not big to you but big to me) to jump out at me and hert me!!!
Well i think thats all so seeya!!!
~!~smile 8^) ~!~

Friday, June 02, 2006

Whats goin' on???

Hey hey hey!!! Well im on summer vacation and your 'possed to be able to sleep past 6:15, but i haven't been able to do that so far!!! Well this mornin' i woke up to my mom cryin'!!! I was like what the heck is goin' on??? I jumped outa bed(like literally 'cause i hit the wall) and asked my mom what was goin' on and she said that she hit a laidy with her car!!! At first i thought she meant that the laidie was walkin' when she hit her, but then she said that she hit teh laidies car!!! So we went out and looked at our NEW car and she showed us the scratch and now we have a blue scatch along the back bumper!!! Then she told us what happened and she saud that she was at the stop lights gettin' ready to turn towards Kum-n-Go and then this semi was turnin' also and he didn't have his turn signal on so she had to back up and the laidie didn't back up so my mom could!!! This laidie was drivin' a saturn and my mom was drivin' our Impala and i think she kinda went over the laidies car 'cause its like on the bottom half of the bumper!!! Then she said that the laidie went to the hostpital 'cause she thought she jerked her back or somethin'!!! But i think everyones fine!!! That was scurry to wake up to my mom cryin' though!!!
Oh, my gosh Adel is SO BORING!!! There is like nothin' to do in this town!!! I like redfeild 'cause i know a lot more people there and i think its funner there!!! Well maybe i think its funner there 'cause im related to a lot of people there!!!
Well thats all thats happened so far today!!! So ill ttyl!!! SEEYA!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~