Me and my daily injuries!!!

This is about me and my days!!! And the injuries i get during those days!!!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Hey hey hey!!! Oh, my gosh im SO excited 'cause i have NO more school!!! We got out yesturday!!! We went to Adventure Land!!! It was a lot of fun!!! Me, Ava, Taylor, and Misti all walked around together!!! We went on pretty much every ride except the raging river('cause we thought the line would be too long) and i didn't go on any of the roller coasters(i dont like those kinda hights)!!! I went on the new ride, the slash over, it was so scurry!!! Like i watched the first time then i went on the secent time and oh, my gosh!!! It like holds you upside down for like ten secents, but thats not the scurry part then it brings you down and you think its over but then it takes you backwards and swings you upside down!!! And you dont know what its going to do next!!! They replaced the mixer with that ride!!! And when i went on it they were having technical difficulties and when the ride stopped some of the seats didnt come unlatched adn the fixer people were there adn we were the first in line adn they were like well lets see wat it does on this next ride and so we went on, i was freakin' out 'cause i don't like hights, and so we went on and it was fun and when we stopped they unlatched the seats and mine was one of the ones that was NOT coming unlatched!!! So i was really scurred after that!!! My legs were shakin' so bad i could barely get off of the ride!!! Every body was laughin' at me!!!
Well now that i don't have school any more i might have to start workin' more!!! I really don't want to work at the nursin' home all week!!! 'Cause it stinks in there!!! So i might ask my dad if Gus is workin' this summer with them, and if she is i might see if i can help her do touch-ups and pullin' the houses!!!
Well i have to go so i will rite l8r!!! seeya!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~

Monday, May 29, 2006


Hey hey hey!!! I kinda had a busy weekend this weekend but not too bad!!! On Friday we had a b-day party for my aunt Kimmy!!! She turned 31!!! Then we came home and me and Tasha went on a walk!!! Then on Saturday i had to work in the morning!!! Then i came home and got ready to go to the races!!!
The races were Awesome!!! Like always!!! There weren't as many wreks this time but i guess in some way thats a good thing!!! But my cousin didn't do to good!!! I think his cars keep over heatin'!!! But in his stock race he hit the wall in one of the corners!!! Then in his F.W.D. class he went into the same corner and couldn't get out and pretty much all of the drivers in that class are his friends and some of the F.W.D. cars have radios and horns in their cars and all of his friends that had horns were hoknig for him when he was tryin' to get out of the hole!!! But then durin' the stock main Tim started in secent row and he was doin' really good!!! He had first for like more then half the race and then on the last lap Brett Sheilds got in front of him and got first but Tim got secent!!! so that was good!!! But Brett is one of Tims friends, but he was gettin' rough with him that night!!! But they were Awesome!!!
I didnt hurt myself VERY much this weekend!!! I hurt my knee on saturday at the races, i don't no how though and on sunday mornin' i 'bout started cryin' 'cause it hurt so bad!!! Then on Sunday me Leah and Tasha were makin' apple salad for the hog roast and i was cuttin' the apples and i was tellin' Leah and tasha to be carefull 'cause the apple cutter was sharp and then i went and cutt my finger on it when i was gettin' the core out of the middle!!! Then at the hog roast i twisted my ankle!!! Then today me my dad and tasha went fishin' at Bever!!! And me and my dad had to keep switchin' spots so we could switch between the trooler motor and thte gas motor, and i stepped over the seat and i almost fell off of the boat!!! That was scurry!!! And i had to pull the truck off of the ramp when my dad got the boat off and the gas on the truck is really touchy and i smocked the tires!!! Then when my dad got the boat on the trailer i had to pull the boat up outa the water and i smocked the tires another 2 times!!! It scurred me!!!
Well i think thats all i have to say rite now!!! Seeya!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Old people!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Well today was pretty boring, nothing much to say but ill attept to write what did happen!!! So i went to school today and i was doing pretty fine 'til 5th period(reading)!!! We were watching a movie and all of a sudden i was feeling sick!!! I think the old people at the nursing home got me sick!!! I had to leave class and that is really embaressing 'cause everybody just like stares at you like your gunna blow!!! But it wasn't too bad 'cause most of the people were watchin' the movie!!! So then i came home and ate chicken noodle soup adn slept 'til like 4:30!!! But i'm feeling better!!!
Oh, my gosh today we were gunna turn in our math books but then the teacher said that we could keep them!!! Every body said that they were gunna rip them up or burn them!!! We only have like 2 days left of school!!! I'm excited!!! We have tomorrow adn then Tuesday!!! But on Tuesday the eighth graders get to go to Adventure Land!!! The only bad thing 'bout that is that we will get back at the school at 6:30(PM)!!! But then we don't have to go back!!! YESSSSS!!!
Tommorrow we have to go get Tasha from her house then we are goin' to the nursing home in Panora 'cause that's were my aunt Kimmy is!!! It's her B-day tommorrow!!! She Muscular Scuroses and Muscular Distrefie!!! I have no idea if i spelled those rite but i don't spell a lot of stuff ritte so!!! But she is turning 30 or 30somethin'!!! She can't like talk or walk or eat through her mouth she has to eat through a tube in her stummy!!! But she is cool!!! If you call her Kimmysue she will laugh!!! Its funny!!!
Well i think thats all that happened today!!! Pretty boring huh??? But ill rite back later!!! Seeya!!!
~!~smile 8^) ~!~

Monday, May 22, 2006


Hey hey hey!!! Well this weekend i went to the campout!!! It was FUN!!! We all set up tents but then only a couple people from Kevin's youth stayed in their's and everybody else slept around the fire!!! Tasha was freiking out 'cause she slept by me and she decided to sleep by the woods and she thought she heard something in there!!! I fell asleep really early!!! Well earlier then a lot of other people!!! And i don't know why either 'cause we had a lot of sugar stick things!!! I don't think sugar makes me hyper!!! And i didn't fall one time!!! I almost fell 'cause people were kicking the back of my knees but i never fell!!! And a couple people fell in the creek but i never did!!! I almost fell on the rock bridge 'cause the rocks moved whenever i stepped on them!!! Then after everybody left and Wedell and us took Brooke home we went shopping for the Cafe` adn me and Leah rolled down the hill at the church again!!! Then we went back to their house and me and Leah fell asleep and when i woke up my knee was like on fire!!! It hurt SO bad adn it was HOT!!!
After we ate supper we came back to their house and me and Leah went down to the camp spot to see if anybody left anything!!! And Leah jumped across the creek and fell when she got across!!! Then we went up to the house and died my hair!!! When i first saw it when after i washed it i was like oh,my gosh!!! And at youth there was people calling me Red adn at like 9:30 my uncle Henry and aunt Laura came over to give us an air conditioner and Uncle Henry called me Red too!!! I thought that was weird 'cause just like an hour and a half ago people from church were calling me that!!!
Oh, my gosh i FINALLY got to go on our boat after church yesturday!!! I was SO excited!!! when we got it out there there was no fish on the fish finder!!! Bummer!!! But then we move by some trees by the dock thingy!!! There were a lot of fish there!!! When we got there we casted out and my dad caught a bass but it was too small and it also ate my dad's hook!!! Then he caught a blue gill and so i was like screw the minnow i'm getting a worm on here then once i casted the worm out my dad caught a nother bass on a minnow i was like thats messed up!!! That bass swallowed his hook too!!! Then we were catching bluegill like crazy!!! At the end we had 16 bluegill, 4 or 5 had my dad's hooks in them and then the 2 bass he threw back had hooks in them too!!! Then i cleaned my first fish!!! It was fun!!! Then my dad cut the things in them and i skinned all of the rest of them!!! It was fun except the one that squirted me!!! And 1 of the fish were pregnent!!! my dad did that on i wouldn't do it!!!
Well i think that's all i have for today!!! seeya!!!
~!~smile 8^) ~!~

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I knew it!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Well you know how i said i would be proud of myself if i didn't get hurt in art with the sharp tools... well i knew i wasn't going to get through it without getting hurt!!! Well i was carving today and i wasn't carving right i guess and the tool slid and it hit my finger then i pricked my finger again with it!!! But it didn't go through my skin but there's blood at the top of the skin like a bloodblister thingy and it looks like a arrow 'cause the tools are shaped like a tiangle!!!
Oh, my gosh i only have 12 days left of school including weekends!!!
Oh,my gosh tomorrow i get to drive from my house to Leah's all the way too!!! I'm excited 'cause i usually only get to drive like a couple miles at a time!!! And on gravel!!! I have only got to drive on cement like 2 times and one time there were no turns!!! The secint time i drove on cement i drove from adel to redfield!!! I don't really know how to turn that good!!! And tomorrow i will have to go through 2 4 way stop signs!!! I'm scurrd!!! I am a fraid that im going to run into someone when im turning!!!
Well thats all i have for right now!!! I'll right back after the campout!!! Seeya!!!
~!~smile 8^) ~!~

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Owe thats HOT!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Well today was kinda boring like yesturday!!! Last night my mom was strightening my hair while i was on the computer!!! Well i was IMing my dad and all of a sudden i felt somethin' hot on my forehead so i jerked my head and it was the straightener on my head!!! My mom was watching me type instead of watching my hair!!! It was HOTT!!! Then this morning i was strightening my hair again and i clamped my ear and my fingers a buncha times!!! And i accedentlly held it in one spot too long and it was on my forehead... in the same spot as last night!!!
Oh,my gosh last week i hit the lunchroom table and now i have a cut on my hand and it looks like a guitar!!! Its awesome!!!
Today i think i only hurt myself once!!! In studyhall i sat in one seat then one of my friends wanted me to sit in the seat next to her so i climbed over the seat and there is a bar on the side that i had to climb over that bar and my knee kinda bent the wrong way!!! It hurt!!! Then last week i tried to climb the same chair and my foot slipped adn i hit my other knee on the chair part!!!
Oh,my gosh in art we are carving in lumina type stuff... it goes under tile stuff like in a kitchen!!! We are using sharp tools to carve out the stuff and the art teacher said that only one person has carved somethin' out of their self and i was going to tell her that i shouldn't use the tools but she would've yelled at!!! But i guess if i carve myself it will be her fault!!! We've been working on it since like thursday and i haven't done that YET!!! If i make it throught this without getting hurt i will be SO proud of myself!!!
Well i think thats all i have for today!!! Seeya!!!
~!~smile 8^) ~!~

Monday, May 15, 2006


Hey hey hey!!! Well today was pretty boring!!! Last night i was watching the finally of Surviver and i was bummed that Terry didn't make it to the final two!!! But i didn't get to see who won 'cause i fell asleep like right when they were getting ready to vote!!! So if anybody watches Surviver can you tell me who won!!!
This morning i woke up and it was bright outside and i thought i was late for school 'cause i didn't turn my alarm on my phone on so i can wake up!!! So i was lying on my back and i turned my head to look at my phone and my shoulder poped!!! Then i tried to sit up and i couldn't move it or else it hurt like no other!!! So i had to like keep my left side still and turn my right side to get out of bed!!! It was hard and it hurt!!! Then when my dad got home from work i had him look at it and he just looked at it for a secint and he's like yeah its swollen!!! And now i have to have an ice pack on my shoulder for the rest of the night!!! It sucks when you have to have an ice pack on your back and your shoulder at the same time!!! Its REALLY cold!!!
Well nothing really happened today!!! I don't like Mondays there like always boring and i don't like boring!!!
I can't wait 'till Sunday 'cause we got our boat fixed and my dad said that we might get to go fishing after church at Beaver!!! I haven't got to go fishing yet this year 'cause i've been busy every time my dad's went!!! And Tasha hasn't been able to fish yet 'cause she hasn't gotten her fishin' licence yet so we're also kinda waiting for her to get her's too!!!
Oh, my gosh this weekend Me and Tasha were sitting at the races and she happened to look at my neck and i have a long scratch on the side of my neck!!! I swear i get cut and hurt by the air in my house!!! 'Cause i've got a cut on my finger and i had nothing sharp that day ('cause im not allowed to have sharp things)!!! It just appeared!!!
Well i think that's all i have for right now!!! So ill right back tomorrow!!! Seeya!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Trails!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Well tonight we got to go to the races at the dallas county fair grounds!!! I LOVE the races!!! I can't wait 'till i can start racing!!! Well there were A LOT of wrecks tonight!!! And a lot of people driving like preschoolers(NOT GOOD)!!! Well they have a new class this year and my cousin Chad is driving in this one too!!! He has two cars for the races plus he has a race truck!!! Well he raced the front wheel drive one first and there was this one that had the word "taxi" on the side of it and he was pushing Chad 'round!!! Well then Chad got mad and decided to take the "taxi" guys bumper off!!! Then Chad got turned 'round backwards and he backed into the "x" so they would stop the race for him so he could get off 'cause his car died!!! Then when Tim Taylor (our friend we talk 'bout) when he came out he was getting pushed 'round!!! A lot of people don't like him 'cause he got MONEY!!! Well i guess his wife heard there were people wnting to run him off the track!!! This guy named Toney Boger guy he's 'bout a joke!!! Man he is like phsyco on the track like if there is someone he dosen't like he will do anything to make them crash!!! But this time it didn't work 'cause Tim got to far ahead of him for him to catch up!!! So Timm got sickent (2nd) !!! It was AWESOME!!! Chad got back to the campgronds and went to bed!!! He was tired from driving both cars!!!
Oh, my gosh I got like wind burnt when we were in the stands from not having any cover!!! It was SO cold up there we like couldn't feel anything when the races got over!!! And i didn't take a blancket 'cause it wasn't cold in the pits!!! And i like hurt my throat from screaming at the people to get off of people's butts!!!
Well my title is that, at EVERY race at the end they always play "Happy Trails"!!! I like like that song now!!!
Well i think that's all i have for now!!! ttyl!!!seeya!!!
~!~smile 8^) ~!~

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Hey hey hey!!! Oh, my gosh surviver is Awesome!!! Tonight wasn't so awesome 'cause Terry wasn't winning and he is the guy i am going for!!! Aras was won the reward and ammunity challenges!!! Those were the only ones that Terry has lost since they merged!!! That wasn't cool!!! In the reward challenge Aras was like talking 'bout how Terry was "whining" 'bout how he didn't know that you can make more than one look at the things and then Aras said something like "Oh you better get an ambulence Terry's crying on the feild"!!! Then i guess Aras also said something 'bout Terry talking bad 'bout women!!! That was stupid!!!'Cause he has never said anything bad to any women on this game!!! Well it was a "to be continued" show and that was really stupid!!! 'Cause Danielle and Sari were in the middle of a tie breaker competition!!! Which they shouldn't have been in that competition 'cause Terry and Danielle like made a pact and Terry had the hidden ammunity and tonight was the last time he could've used it so i don't know why he didn't give it to her!!! Well that's what happened on surviver tonight!!! Well the finally is on Sunday at 7:00 so i can't wait 'till then to see who wins!!!
Oh, my gosh i don't think i hurt myself again today!!! I'm on a roll!!! Well i guess yesturday after church i tripped over a chair leg and twisted my ankle but it feels better!!! Well i guess i'm not getting hurt 'cause i've been having to lye in bed on and ice pack 'cause of my back so i'm not doing anything stupid to where i can get hurt!!!
Well i think that's all i have for tonight i will right back later to tell 'bout my weekend!!! Seeya!!!
~!~SMILE 8^) ~!~

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

My big fat greek family!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Well tonight we went out to eat at the "olimpic Flame" to eat with my family 'cause my cousin and aunt are in town from Florida!!! We ate at a Greek restaurant 'cause my cousin's dad is from Greese!!! On our way there i was sitting in the back seat of the car and i saw a bug on the window so i tried to get it out and i thought i got it but then when we got to the resturant i felt something crawling on my hand so i looked down and the bug was on my hand!!! I tried to get it off and when i went to hit it it stung me!!! It hert!!! Well anyways the Greek food was good, and yes i did eat!!! My aunt Lynn bought everybody Greek appitizers before we ordered our food!!! We had like 4 differnt kinds of stuff!!! I don't know what any of it was called though!!! We had like fried cheese, fito bread with feta cheese in it, stuffed grape leaves those were like grape leaves with beef and rice in side, i didn't like those so my g'ma and dad ate mine for me!!! When they brought out the fried cheese it wasn't fried yet adn they held it up and the guy caught it on fire!!! The people behind me had it too and i wasn't expecting the fire and all of a sudden i felt the heat ball come at me!!! On our flame it hit the fan on the ceiling and made it move!!! It was AWESOME!!! Then we had our dinner, i got a chicken gyros!!! It was a Greek sandwich!!! It was really really good!!! Almost everybody had a gyros, but some had a beef one!!! My g'pa was being stubburn and wouldn't try any of the Greek food, he had a cheese burger and fries!!! Then when we left my mom got us Bauclava!!! My mom has made that before and it is like the best desert every!!! When my cousin got there she was greeted by all the worker people 'cause she was friends with them through her dad!!! They were talking in Greek and i was like "what"!!! Well my cousin goes back to Florida Friday night and my aunt is also going back to Indiana Friday night!!! That's were she lives!!! Oh,my gosh i was sitting by my othter aunt Penny and her "boyfriend" and i was like i know him from somewhere and then when he went to the bathroom i turned to my dad and said "you know what he looks like Shawn Micheals"!!! And my dad agreed!!! It was weird 'cause he even had the hair like Shawn!!!
Oh,my gosh My dad said told me when i got home from youth on Sunday that i prolly buldged a disk in my back!!! It herts like no other!!!
Well i think thats all i have to say right now so talk to yall later!!! seeya!!!
~!~smile 8) ~!~

Monday, May 08, 2006

"Watch out for the sholder!!!"

Hey hey hey!!! Well this weekend was kinda boring,but it was also kinda fun at the same time!!! My cousin, Nic, stayed the night at my dad's on Saturday, then Sunday we went to church, then after church my dad had to go look at the Triton houses to put a bid on them so they can paint them, then we had to take Nic home and i got to drive to Redfeild!!! When we were like just a mile outside of Adel i was checking the mirrors to see if i was in the middle of the lane and when i looked in the right side mirror the car started to go off the road and i heard the gravel and my dad was like freaking out!!! It scurred me!!! And when we got to Derek and Amber's house i had to pull into the driveway (i don't know how to turn that good) and their driveway is like really steep and they have like 3 cars in it already and there's a chunk of cement at the top and i had to get over it!!! That was hard!!! And when my dad pulle dover to let me drive, he pulled into the bolling alley parking lot and i had to turn out of it!!! That scurred me 'cause i couldn't get the car turned far enough!!!
Well this weekend i think i only hurt myself once!!! And that was last night at youth!!! Me and Leah were outside in the feild doing (trying) cartwheels and then we went over to the hill and we were rolling down the hill backwards, like backwards summer-sults, and the last one i did i went to the top and i started rolling down and i rolled like 2 times without anything going wrong but then on the 3rd roll my neck was cracking and i tried to stop myself but i rolled like 2 more times and my neck kept cracking when i rolled and i like layed at the bottom of the hill for a minute, while Leah was laughing, adn when i got up my back and my neck hurt really bad!!! Then i came home and my dad just told me to lay on an ice-pack!!! It was REALLY cold!!! The coldness kinda felt like it was burning me!!! But it feels better today, but it still hurts!!! But i'll be fine!!! I think that i get hurt so much that my body is allways ready to heal itself!!!
Oh, my gosh after today we only have 22 days left of school!!! I'm SO EXCITED!!! Well i don't know if you would count the last day 'cause the eighth graders get to go to Adventure Land, if they're not failing!!! Then the people that failed the sceince final thingy have to go to school the day after everybody else gets out to take the test again!!! Hopefully i don't fail, 'cause its over the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade books!!! I don't think can 'member the things from the 6th and 7th grade books!!! They should know that we can't 'member those kinds of things!!! I don't even know if i can 'member the things from the begining of this year!!!
Well i think that's all i have for right now!!! Seeya!!!
~!~ smile :) ~!~

Friday, May 05, 2006

They're EVERYwhere!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Oh, my gosh well you probably alread know that i like(love) frogs, but anyways my momkeeps complaining 'bout all of the frog stuff that i have!!! Well i agree i do have a lot of frog stuff ... but i don't think i have enough!!! When you walk into my house you can tell that someone in the house likes frogs 'cause there are some like right by the doorway!!! And then they were all over the couch but my mom put them in my room so now i have even more in my room!!! But like on my bed there is me, a huge stuffed animal frog, and my dog sleeping on my bed at night and it's very scrunched!!! There are some in my dad's den and in the attic, too!!! We didn't have enough room for them!!! And i'm still getting more!!! Frogs rock!!!
Well i was very tired today!!! I was like falling asleep in all of my classes today!!! Well i watched surviver (only the best show ever) and then i had to pack for my dad's!!! Then when i finally got to bed i was lying there listening to music and trying to go to sleep but my brain wouldn't shut up!!! I kept playing what all happened this week over and over in my head!!! Then once i got to sleep i kept waking up like very 20 min.!!! I wanted to take my brain out so i could just sleep!!! Then today in science we had a fire drill... which was pointless!!! Well everybody starts to freak out for nothing and then they just stop at the top of the stairs!!! Then the teachers yell at us for geting cut off of our classes 'cause everybody was trying to hurry to get to their classes!!! Teachers don't like fire drills 'cause it cuts into their teaching time!!!
Oh, my gosh i have even more graduations to go to!!! I have Mariah's, my cousin Joe's, and my mom's friend(tina) who is graduating from dental school!!! That's a lot of graduation parties to go to!!! And i think i've only been to 2 in my whole life!!! So hopefully they're not boring like one of the ones i went to before!!!
I don't think i hurt myself today!!!(knock on wood) I am happy... that i didn't hurt myself today!!!
Well i think that's all i have!!! Seeya!!!
~!~smile :) ~!~

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Little Rascals!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Well i thought of something else to right 'bout!!! The Little Rascals movie!!! Oh, my gosh i LOVE that movie!!! Except that whenever i see it the little saying things get stuck in my head!!! Like... the "we got a dollar" thing, the "i got two pickles" thing, and the saying when their going to the fair place and they have to make money for their go-kart and their saying..."we are he-man woman haters, we feed girls to aligators, we're low, but we have a plan to make some doe!!!" I couldn't hear the part where they said something 'bout "low" so i think that's what they said but i don't know!!! Have you ever watched a movie one day and then the next day be saying somethin' and not know where it came from??? That's what happened to me!!! But i guess if you had more memory then me you probably wouldn't have that problem!!! Well i guess that's not hard to do (the having more memory then me)!!!
Oh, my gosh i finally got my iPod back yesterday!!! I almost went nuts without it!!! Like i usually take it to school with me so i can listen to it at recess but the begining of this week i didn't have it!!! I never knew how much i listened to it before this week!!!
Well now i know that's all i have for today!!!
Put a smile on your face and be HAPPY!!! Even if you are upset!!! Smiles make you feel better!!! Trust me!!!
Seeya!!! ~!~smile 8P ~!~

My elbow vs. the car!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Well i had a pretty good day today besides the fact that my ankle still hurts and i have to run up and down stairs all day!!! Well i only got hurt once today and that was after school when my mom picked me up from school!!! I opened the car door and i was sitting down to get in the car and i hit my elbow on the outside of the door!!! OUCH!!! Well atleast it wasn't my bad elbow!!! Then it would have hurt even more and for longer!!! Well i think that's the only thing i hurt today!!!
Well this might sound stupid but me and my friends are making a group called the Jelly Beans!!! There are a bunch of us!!! Like i'm Kiwi, Misti is Green Apple, Taylor is Cherry's and so on i can't name all of them off the top of my head!!! And it would take for ever!!! Well i was either going to be Jalapeno or Kiwi!!! So i picked Kiwi!!!
Well i think that's all i have for right now i might right more later!!! SEEYA!!!
~!~ SMILE 8P ~!~

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The 800!!!

Hey hey hey!!! Well today in PE we had to run the 800(m) and its pretty easy to run but this time wasn't to good!!! We run it down by the adel park at the little league football feild!!! Well we started running and when i was on the firts lap almost to the end and there were people in front of me and when i tried to get around them there was a big hole in the ground and you guessed it... i stepped in it like hurt my ankle so when i got to the end the PE teacher told me not to run the second lap!!! That wasn't cool 'cause i like running it and at the beggining of the year i couldn't run it 'cause of my ankle and last year i could only run one lap 'cause my DR. told me not to run over 400(m) but this year i had a different teacher so he didn't know 'bout that!!! So i could've ran it but i messed up!!! So that's how i hurt myself today!!!
Oh,my gosh have you ever seen the lamisil comercial??? Well if you haven't it's 'bout feet and its yucky!!! Well its like where this thing goes under the toe nail and like makes the nail look groody!!! Well for people who know me they know i don't like feet!!! And now whenever that comercial comes on i have to change the channel!!!
Oh,my gosh on this one show called American Inventer (an Awesome show) a couple of days ago there was this "flashback" thingy and there was this one guy who invented a potty thingy!!! Like you can take it where ever you go adn its like in a bag and when you have to go to the bathroom you unfold it and put it over you like a poncho and you like go in this bag thingy on the inside!!! It was freeky!!! Then the judges asked him if he's tried it out in public and he said he had tried it at a bus stop or something like that and he said that everybody was looking at him like he was insane or something!!! Well i just thought i'd write 'bout that 'cause i thought it was funny!!!
Oh, my gosh have you ever had the hiccups??? I'm sure you have, but have you had them for 9 weeks??? This weekend i will have had them for 9 whole weeks!!! There SO annoying!!! And its all 'cause i was being stupid at my b-day party!!! I sucked like 10-15 balloons of helium plus my mom left the tank were i could get to it so i got some more helium out of that,too!!! My dad kept telling me i was going to get sick... but i did NOT get sick!!! But i did get the hiccups!!! And the ENT DR. can't even tell me how to get rid of them!!! My G'ma made me eat a spoon full of PB so i did but like 5 min. later i was hiccuping again!!! So if you have any thing that gets rid of hiccups leave me a comment!!! PLEASE!!! I want to get rid of them!!!
Well i think that's all i have for right now so seeya!!!
~!~ smile 8P ~!~

Monday, May 01, 2006


Hey hey hey!!! Well today was boring!!! All of the teachers were grumpy and yelling at us!!! Today i was sitting on my bed after i woke up and i looked at my knee and it was bruised and then my ankle started to hUrt so i looked at it and there was nothing there!!! Then in PE we had to do push-ups and then we had to do a sit-and-reach test and when i got up my ankle started to hurt again and i looked at it and there was nothing again!!! Scurry!!! And its been doing that all day and i can bearly touch it and it starts to hurt really bad!!! And now the bruise on my knee keeps getting bigger!!! Those are my injuries for today {so far}!!! Well i guess i can write 'bout how i hurt myself this weekend!!! Well oh,my gosh Tasha had prom this weekend and we went to her grand march and me, my cousin, my dad, and my g'ma were sitting in the bleechers waiting for her to come out and i think my cousin sat on my finger and it got caught in between the space in the bleechers!!! That hurt!!!
Oh, my gosh i am like going to die waiting for wednesday to come 'cause Mariah has my iPod so i don't have it to listen to on the way to school or in the car!!! so now if my batteries run out in my cd player while we're riding in the car i have to listen to oldies!!!
Oh, my gosh i think i found out were i get my clumsiness from!!! Well my great great g'ma is in the nursing home i work at and on Saturday when we went in to work the night nurse told us that she fell AGAIN!!! She was standing by her laundry basket and she fell over it!!! And like two weeks ago she fell in her bathroom like 3-4 times!!! So i think i finally found out were i got it from!!!
Well i think thats all i have for right now!!! My day was boring!!!
~!~ SMILE 8P ~!~